等人发表在ACSAC‘2023的关于机器学习中Softmax和Sigmoid安全近似优化的工作。论文和开源代码链接如下: https://github.com/alipay/Antchain-MPC/tree/sec_softmoidgithub.com/alipay/Antchain-MPC/tree/sec_softmoid 0. 背景和动机 在隐私保护机器学习中,Softmax和Sigmoid是两种常见的激活函数,但是其计算却非常复...
3.2 Deep Learning 评估 Deep Learning 前向计算调用的协议如上图。和相关方案相比如下: 3.3 SVM 评估本文进一步做了基于SVM的安全预测实验,实验结果如下: 4. 总结 本文提出一种基于STP的安全预测框架:离线基于STP优化通信和计算,在线仍然是两方计算。进一步,本文并提出了若干优化的计算算子。这些工作对于之后展开三方...
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Over the past several decades the dramatic increase in the availability of computational resources, coupled with the maturation of machine learning, has profoundly impacted sensor technology. In this Perspective, we discuss computational sensing with a focus on intelligent sensor system design. By ...
Learning low-rank representation Classical machine learning methods can be applied in the first stage. For example, one may directly useJsamples\({\{{{\bf{x}}}_{j},f({{{\bf{x}}}_{j})\}}_{j = 1}^{J}\)to train one neural network, thus modelling the complex unknown function...
中国科学院海洋所李晓峰研究员出任JGR: Machine Learning and Computation期刊编辑,海洋学,研究员,战争法,习近平,中国军衔,中国科学院,李晓峰(解放军),machine learning
在人工智能快速发展背景下,美国地球物理学会(AGU)于2023年12月隆重推出JGR: Machine Learning and Computation(JGR MLC)创刊号,中国科学院海洋研究所李晓峰研…
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How should I go about computing the F1 score in this case? I'm currently using sklearn's f1_score function with macro average. But this leads to a low F1 score value for cases like above. machine-learning scikit-learn classification multiclass-classification Share Improve thi...
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