value asthebasisforcomputation. 我們經常說,不應以平均數計算,最正確 的是以中位數計算。 [...] the valuation; (ii) the valuationbasisandmethodologies, in particular the discount rate adopted under the discounted cash flow method; and (iii...
15.They are based on an hourly,daily or weekly rate or on a certain amount of work done.wages按小时、日、星期计算或按完成一定的工作量计算. 16.They are based on an hourly, daily or weekly rate or on a certain amount of work done.按小时、日、星期计算或按完成一定的工作量计算。 17.Com...
This survey lays the groundwork for the realization of trustworthy human computation. First, the trustworthiness of human computation as computing systems, that is, trust offered by humans to AI, is examined using the RAS (reliability, availability, and serviceability) analogy, which define measures...
Proposed machine learning method produces a high-resolution (1/30°, hourly) precipitation product for a typical data-deficiency basin The auxiliary multi-variables were considered in merging methods and their contributions were quantitatively analyzed by explainable AI Atmospheric and surface conditions sig...
the overtime hourly rate of pay is an amount equal to one and one-half times the hourly rate of basic pay of the employee, and all that amount is premium pay. (4)Notwithstanding paragraph (2) of this subsection, for an employee who is a law enforcement officer, and whose basic pay ...
As an example, we analyze the Potsdamer Reihe, an ongoing non-interrupted hourly temperature profile since 1893, consisting of 1,043,112 data points. Using an optimized single-threaded CPU implementation this analysis requires about six hours. Our approach conducts RQA for the Potsdamer Reihe in ...
For example, more cloud cover would lead to more cloud processing, reducing Nd. However, it is observed that cloud cover increases with Nd (Gryspeerdt et al., 2016; Rosenfeld et al., 2019). Cao et al. (2023) quantified the rate of Nd loss by collision-coalescence process with an ...
We use a (homogeneous) Poisson process with rate λ for the storm arrival process. The cell arrival processes are independent processes, each one a Poisson process of rate β, truncated after an exponential(γ) amount of time, which we call the storm duration. Assuming that we are working ...
linear regression (LR) were assessed. Our results show the data assimilations were closer to observations in the eastern parts compared to the western parts of the USA. Considering the number of stations with the lowest error and highest hit rate (for extreme events), FFNN outperformed LR ...
Numerical models are critical for assessing the effects of sea level rise (SLR), hurricanes, and storm surge on vegetation change in the Everglades National Park. The model must be capable of representing short-timescale hydrodynamics, salinity transport, and groundwater interaction. However, there ...