国际简称:COMPUT MED IMAG GRAP 出版周期:Bimonthly 研究方向:医学 - 核医学 出版语言:English 创刊时间:1988 是否预警:否 出版地区:UNITED STATES 是否OA:未开放 期刊介绍 《Computerized Medical Imaging And Graphics》(《计算机化医学成像和图形》)是一本由Elsevier Ltd出版的医学-核医学学术刊物,主要刊载医学-核...
Comput Med Imaging Graph 英文杂志缩写 - Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics - 英文期刊全称 [科研必备] 专业SCI论文修改服务: ★先修改后付款; ☆语言问题免费重修; ★24-72小时交稿; ☆正规财务发票; ★一分钟下单; ☆365日不间断服务 Comput Med Imaging Graph 英文杂志缩写 - Computerized Medical ...
期刊名称Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics COMPUT MED IMAG GRAP 期刊ISSN0895-6111 期刊官方网站https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/computerized-medical-imaging-and-graphics 是否OANo 出版商Elsevier Ltd 出版周期Bimonthly 文章处理费登录后查看 ...
doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2012.01.001Gozde UnalElsevier LtdComputerized Medical Imaging & Graphics
Medical imaging modalities include: magnetic resonance, computed tomography, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, X-ray, microwave, endoscopy, optical and multi-photon microscopy, video and sensory imaging, and the convergence of biomedical images with other non-imaging datasets to address disease and health ...
期刊简称 COMPUT MED IMAG GRAP 期刊出版周期 Bimonthly 期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 Elsevier Science 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0895-6111 期刊主页 computerized medical imaging and graphics主页 期刊评价 您选择的computerized medical imaging and graphics的指数解析如下: 简介:COMPUT MED IMAG GRAP杂志属于医学行业,“...
doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2021.101903Shima NofallahSachin MehtaEzgi MercanStevan KnezevichLinda ShapiroComputerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Med. Comput. Vision. Large Data Med. ImagingYan, ZZhang, SLiu, XMetaxas, DMontillo, A