College Enrollment Students & Teachers Sports & Athletics Optimal Christian Academy is a private school located in Compton, CA. The student population of Optimal Christian Academy is 161. The school’s minority student enrollment is 100.0% and the student-teacher ratio is 9:1. Tuition & Financial...
College Enrollment Students & Teachers Sports & Athletics Mandela Children's Learning Village is a private school located in Compton, CA. The student population of Mandela Children's Learning Village is 13. The school’s minority student enrollment is 7.7% and the student-teacher ratio is 6:1....
College Enrollment Students & Teachers Sports & Athletics Our Lady of Victory School is a private school located in Compton, CA. The student population of Our Lady of Victory School is 186. The school’s minority student enrollment is 100.0% and the student-teacher ratio is 19:1. Tuition &...
College Enrollment College enrollment is unavailable for Little Peeps Montessori Naturskola School. Students & Teachers 5 Enrollment 5:1 Student/Teacher Ratio N/A Average Grade Size Enrollment by Grade Level 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 0 Pre-K 15 K 5 Faculty & Staff 1 Classroom Teachers N...