has paid for you to take a CompTIA exam or to participate in the CompTIA Continuing Education (CE) program, upon request CompTIA will share your certification status and/or progress in completing your CE requirements with the third party. Visit the CompTIA website for more information. CompTIA ...
拿到证书后,有效期是三年,如果你想维持证书有效期,就得维护证书,也就是所谓的继续教育(Continuing Education / CE)。CompTIA有专门介绍了CE,见参考文献[7]。 PenTest+的CE积分(CEU)需要60, 也就是说你需要在三年内积累满60积分,就可以维持证书,但是即使有积分,证书的维持也还是需要每年50刀,三年150刀。 下表...
证书的维护 拿到证书后,有效期是三年,如果你想维持证书有效期,就得维护证书,也就是所谓的继续教育(Continuing Education / CE)。CompTIA有专门介绍了CE,见参考文献[7]。 PenTest+的CE积分(CEU)需要60, 也就是说你需要在三年内积累满60积分,就可以维持证书,但是即使有积分,证书的维持也还是需要每年50刀,三年150...
拿到证书后,有效期是三年,如果你想维持证书有效期,就得维护证书,也就是所谓的继续教育(Continuing Education / CE)。CompTIA有专门介绍了CE,见参考文献[7]。 PenTest+的CE积分(CEU)需要60, 也就是说你需要在三年内积累满60积分,就可以维持证书,但是即使有积分,证书的维持也还是需要每年50刀,三年150刀。
To continue to ensure that the certification is valid, you can participate in the CE (Continuing Education) program to protect your vitality and new opportunities and challenges in this field and provide you with a lot of continuous improvement and development. Good effect. You must know that ...
To renew your certification with- out retaking the exam, you must participate in continuing education (CE) activities and pay an annual maintenance fee of $25.00 ($75.00 for 3 years). To learn more about the certification renewal policy, see http://certification.comptia.org/ getCertified/stay...
Get trained for CompTIA, Cisco, Microsoft, and EC-Council certifications. TestOut courses include hands-on lab simulations, text lessons, instructor-led videos, demonstrations, practice quizzes and full length practice exams. Everything you need to get t
拿到证书后,有效期是三年,如果你想维持证书有效期,就得维护证书,也就是所谓的继续教育(Continuing Education / CE)。CompTIA有专门介绍了CE,见参考文献[7]。 PenTest+的CE积分(CEU)需要60, 也就是说你需要在三年内积累满60积分,就可以维持证书,但是即使有积分,证书的维持也还是需要每年50刀,三年150刀。
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