The meaning of IMMUNOCOMPROMISED is having the immune system impaired or weakened (as by drugs or illness). How to use immunocompromised in a sentence.
One hypothesis is the virus is evolving inside immune-compromisedpeople, where it can persist for months while learning to dodge the immune system. We could know soon whether vaccines work against a scary new coronavirus variant|Antonio Regalado|January 23, 2021|MIT Technology Review ...
Billions in enterprise value were lost because of a masked immune-compromised status. So what’s a better model than the traditional metrics? And by the way, human health researchers are working all the time to identify new markers of a weakened immune system, an area where marketing has ...
Hypersensitivity is a condition in which the individual's immune system overreacts to stimuli that are not harmful. Hypersensitivity has been known to cause autoimmune diseases, allergies, and asthma. This condition can be caused by various factors such as infections, medications, or...
Here are just a few examples of the conditions and agents that can interfere with optimal skin health: + Chemotherapy and radiation can both break down the skin’s outer layer, causing dryness, itching, rashes, and wounds. These treatments also interfere with new cell growth, creating “thin...
elimination of infected hepatocytes by T cells, thereby indirectly reducing cccDNA levels [95]. Additionally, other cytokines, such as TGF-β, IFN-γ, and TNF-α, have also been shown to influence cccDNA [96,97]. Clearing HBV infection requires strong immune system activation; however, ...
elimination of infected hepatocytes by T cells, thereby indirectly reducing cccDNA levels [95]. Additionally, other cytokines, such as TGF-β, IFN-γ, and TNF-α, have also been shown to influence cccDNA [96,97]. Clearing HBV infection requires strong immune system activation; however, ...
As a result of their selective impact on the functionality of immune system, and presumably host–pathogen interactions, the scope of the present consensus document was restricted to those agents exclusively (or mainly) used to treat malignant or (auto)inflammatory diseases. Therefore, a number of...
Additionally, function and migration of DCs are impeded by ruxolitinib, thus further aggravating immune system dysfunction [139]. Lastly, ruxolitinib exposure led to a severe decrease in natural killer cell counts, a phenomenon that was linked to an increase in risk of infection [140]. ...
ChIP-Seq analysis with and without PU.1 induction revealed examples of both new PU.1-binding events, and increased binding at previously bound peaks (Figure 2b and Supplementary Figure 3d), with a total of 5283 PU.1 peaks in the absence of wild-type PU.1, increasing to 15 675 following...