Samir EC, Fayez M and Fathollah M (2013) Compressive strength model for concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research 65(9): 557-572, E. Chidiac,Fathollah Mahmoodzadeh,Fayez Moutassem, ",Compressive strength model for concrete", Magazine of ...
There are many factors that affect the compressive strength of concrete. The relationship between compressive strength and these factors is a complex nonlinear problem. Empirical formulas commonly used to predict the compressive strength of concrete are
Integrating artificial intelligence and green concrete in the construction industry is a challenge that can help to move towards sustainable construction. Therefore, this research aims to predict the compressive strength of green concrete that includes a ratio of cement kiln dust (CKD) and fly ash (...
The compressive strength of concrete is predicted using four variables, namely, water-binder ratio, fine aggregate-binder ratio, coarse aggregate-binder ratio and binder content. Linear regression models have been developed for variations in fly ash replacements (0 and 15 percent), Zones of ...
The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of the type and volume fraction of coarse aggregate and the water-cement ratio of matrix on the confidence-limit of the compressive strength of concrete estimated by various non-destructive testing methods. Two series o...
AS1012.9—1999 COPYRIGHT 1 AustralianStandard TM Methodsoftestingconcrete Method9:Determinationofthecompressive strengthofconcretespecimens 1SCOPE ThisStandardsetsoutthemethodfordeterminingthecompressivestrengthofconcretetest specimenspreparedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofAS1012.8,AS1012.14or AS1012.19. NOTE:This...
In this paper, a method to predict 28-day compressive strength of concrete by using multi-layer feed-forward neural networks (MFNNs) was proposed based on the inadequacy of present methods dealing with multiple variable and nonlinear problems. A MFNN model was built to implement the complex non...
and testing cores from hardened concrete for compressive strength 1012.19 Method 19: Accelerated curing of concrete compression test specimens (laboratory or field)—Hot water and warm water methods 1523 Elastomeric bearings for use in structures 2193 Methods for calibration and grading of force-...
Based on the above considerations, developing reliable predictive models for the compressive strength and ultimate strain of the FRCM confined concrete is not easy with respect to the case of the FRPs since these models should account for all the mentioned physical and behavioral aspects and their ...
3. Compressive Strength Prediction Model for Concrete Based on GBRT Algorithm The section uses the GBRT algorithm, combined with 1030 sets of concrete compressive strength data, to build a prediction model for the compressive strength of concrete and analyses the results obtained after running the mod...