这是Kaihua Zhang发表在ECCV2012的paper,文中提出了一种基于压缩感知(compressive sensing)的单目标跟踪算法,该算法利用满足压缩感知(compressive sensing)的RIP(restricted isometry property)条件的随机测量矩阵(random measurement matrix)对多尺度(multiple scale)的图像特征(features)进行降维,然后通过朴素贝叶斯分类器(naiv...
Compressive sensing (CS) has given us a new idea at data acquisition and signal processing. It has proposed some novel solutions in many practical applications. Focusing on the pixel-level multi-source image-fusion problem in wireless sensor networks, the paper proposes an algorithm of CS image ...
AssociateProfessoroftheComputerScienceDepartmentoftheTechnion-IsraelInstituteofTechnology.MichaelElad M.Aharon,M.Elad,andA.M.Bruckstein,"TheK-SVD:AnAlgorithmforDesigningofOvercompleteDictionariesforSparseRepresentation",IEEETrans.OnSignalProcessing,2006.总体介绍 主要研究者产生背景基本理论主要应用 ...
The target of the optimized compressive sensing algorithm is to find L and R that minimize Eq. (20). We define the objective function as (21)fL,R=LRT∘B−SF2+λ1LF2+RF2+λ2HLRTF2+λ3LRTTF2 It is obvious that fL,R is nonconvex. However, if we fix L or R, the function ...
away the rest. (This is of course only a caricature of how the image compression algorithm ...
(2) Most compressive sensing based single-image encryption methods require transmission of measurement matrix as secret key, which leads to extra transmission. To solve these problems, a double image encryption algorithm based on compressive sensing and public key elliptic curve encryption is designed ...
2) 不幸的是,缓解这个问题的努力要么适用于特定的算法(specific algorithm),要么会损害准确性。提出方案:设计了一种新的优化框架BitSense,它集成了现有的sketch算法。关键思想是将sketch计数器中的较高位视为稀疏向量(sparse vector),并利用压缩感知技术(compressive sensing techniques)压缩(compress)和恢复(restore)计数...
The results of experiments show that this algorithm is robust to noise and has better performance than other algorithms in signal recovery. Then we apply it to wideband spectrum sensing, we find that proposed algorithm not only guarantees accurate signal estimation, but also obtains higher correct ...
However, the Co Sa MP algorithm has the global optimality of channel reconstruction, and better ensures the stability of channel estimation. Through the simulation analysis, not only the efficiency and accuracy of those two estimation algorithms are verified, but also the optimum number of pilots ...
Image encryption based on compressed sensing and DNA encoding 2021, Signal Processing: Image Communication Citation Excerpt : It can be seen from the table that the encryption time of this algorithm is less than that of algorithm [7] and algorithm [43], it takes more time than algorithm [9]...