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Thanks to the gentle pressure applied to your lower legs, compression socks support the muscles and joints, improving stability when you’re in pain or feeling weakened by the nerve pain. They boost blood flow, reducing inflammation and pain in the affected area. And they can prevent other unw...
We love our socks! After reading reviews, my husband and I decided to give them a try. He has an achilles issue and I have leg pain from a pinched nerve from sciatic issues. We both found some relief and highly recommend them. Also after wearing them all day I have been able to eve...
Ferguson RA, Dodd MJ, Paley VR (2014) Neuromuscular electrical stimulation via the peroneal nerve is superior to graduated compression socks in reducing perceived muscle soreness following intense intermittent endurance exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 114:2223-2232....