将“compressibility factor"翻译成中文 压缩因子是将“compressibility factor"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:Also, the new formula contains a compression factor to moderate, to some extent, the role of the economy’s size. ↔ 此外,在新的计算公式中也包含了一项压缩因子,在某种程度上,用以调和经济规模...
compressibility factor压缩因子 modulus of compressibility压缩模量;体积弹性横量;压缩性模数 compressibility_力学行业词汇 压缩率 compressibility_医学行业词汇 压缩性,压缩系数:物质在压力增加一个单位时所引起的单位体积变化 compressibility_地质学行业词汇 压缩性 ...
(18-1)PV=ZNRT where Z = compressibility factor, usually less than 1.0 N = number of lb-mol R = gas constant, depends on units of pressure, volume and temperature = 1545 lb/ft3/lb-mole. °R or ft. lb/lb-mole. °R, 10.73 psia. ft3/1 lb-mole °R = 8.314 kJ/kmole.K, 8.314...
This paper presents a mathematical model of calculating gas isothermal compressibility factor. 提出了一种计算天然气等温压缩系数的数学模型. 来自互联网 8. Air cushion rubber blanket maximum characterizedby compressibility, liner latitude than ordinary blanket. 气垫橡皮布的最不小特点是可压缩性,另边, 衬垫...
To solve the problem, we need to analyze the implications of the compressibility factor (Z) being greater than unity at standard temperature and pressure (STP). 1. Understanding the Compressibility Factor (Z): - The compress
(2-94)co=−(1/Bo)(∂Bo/∂p)T (2-95)co=(1/ρo)(∂ρo/∂p)T where co = isothermal compressibility, psi−1 ρo = oil density lb/ft3 Bo = oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB At pressures below the bubble-point pressure, the oil compressibility is defined as: (2-96...
Rather than being low, the composite which includes the organic fiber which possesses factor and the compressibility factor which is improvedThe present invention provides an improved fiber-reinforced article comprised of at least two plies. Each of the plies comprises: a) rubber; and b) cord ...
The compressibility factor for an ideal gas is View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajast...
By substituting the equation for Ro (refer to Equation 1.47), Archie presented the relationship between water saturation, formation resistivity factor, brine resistivity, and the resistivity of the rock at the given Sw: (1.70)Sw=FRRwRt1/2 The more general form of Equation 1.70, commonly used,...
Z1 = suction compressibility factor ZD = discharge compressibility factor ηm = mechanical efficiency high-speed reciprocating units – use 0.93 to 0.95 low-speed reciprocating units – use 0.95 to 0.98 centrifugal units – use 0.95 ηad = adiabatic efficiency (isentropic efficiency) reciprocating uni...