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Compressed sensing is a radical new approach to signal processing where far fewer data measurements are collected than what is dictated by the classic Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory. This is followed at a later stage by an appropriate method to recover the original signal. The two most popular ...
Compressed sensing (CS) has recently attracted much interest because of its important offerings and versatility. High-resolution radar imaging applications such as through-the-wall radar (TWR) imaging or inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) are two key application areas that can greatly benefit fro...
Compressed Sensing(CS) theory and Multiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO) radar system have received considerable recent attention from more and more scholars.Compressed Sensing theory has been applied successfully in diverse fields,for example,image processing and wireless communications;and MIMO radar system...
Compressed sensing is a new framework for sampling and reconstructing sparse signals using small enough measures. This new strategy has been applied to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and it links two principles: sparsity, which is linked to the signal we are interested in, and incoherence, which...
Signal processing algorithms,Radar detection,Radar,Detectors,Minimization,Solids,Compressed sensingRapidly developing Compressed Sensing theory looks promising for many practical applications, since it allows us to reconstruct K-sparce signals and to reduce some hardware requirements. In this work, we ...
High-Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing A stylized compressed sensing radar is proposed in which the time-frequency plane is discretized into an N times N grid. Assuming the number of targets K i... Herman, M.A.,T Strohmer - 《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》 被引量: 1426发表...
关键词: Scattering Centers Compressed Sensing UWB Radar 会议名称: IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop and IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop;DSP/SPE 2009 会议地点: Nashville, TN(US);Nashville, TN(US) 主办单位: ECE Department, Lafayette College, Easton, PA, 18042 被引量: 42 收...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 57, NO. 6, JUNE 2009 2275 High-Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing Matthew A. Herman and Thomas Strohmer Abstract—A stylized compressed sensing radar is proposed in grid. which the time–frequency plane is discretized into an 2 ), then Assuming...
2021, Computers in Biology and Medicine Show abstract iPiano-Net: Nonconvex optimization inspired multi-scale reconstruction network for compressed sensing 2020, Signal Processing: Image Communication Citation Excerpt : Such an acquisition technique can effectively alleviate the requirement for high transmissi...