and you can even use the LZF jar as a command-line tool (it has manifest that points to 'com.ning.compress.lzf.LZF' as the class having main() method to call), like so: java -jar compress-lzf-1.1.2.jar (which will display necessary usage arguments for-c(ompressing) or-d(ecompre...
lzfjs Compress and decompress data using LZF with no native dependencies. Naively ported directly from liblzf, specficallylzf_c.candlzf_d.cby Marc Alexander Lehmann. If pure JS is not important to you, use thelzfnpm package. This module can be used in a browser or in Node. ...
1. compress-lzf-1.0.2.jar:这是一个用于压缩LZF算法的Java库。LZF是一种高效的数据压缩算法,广泛应用于各种场景,如图像、视频等。该库提供了基本的LZF压缩和解压缩功能,可以帮助您在Java Web/Java EE项目中实现数据压缩。 2. javaweb/javaee常用JAR包:这些是Java Web/Java EE项目常用的一些JAR包,包括Apache ...
压缩算法库(compress-lzf)是一个Java实现的LZ77压缩算法库。LZ77是一种无损压缩算法,可以用于文件压缩和数据压缩。compress-lzf库提供了一个简单的接口,使得开发者可以使用Java编写压缩和解压代码。 compress-lzf库的主要功能如下: 1. 提供LZ77压缩算法的实现。 2. 支持多种压缩模式,如原始、字典、字典+哈希等。 3...
说明 lzf_compress(string $data): string lzf_compress() compresses the given data string using LZF encoding. 参数 data The string to compress. 返回值 Returns the compressed data or false if an error occurred. 参见 lzf_decompress() - LZF decompression ...
compress-lzf-1.0.2.jar file has the following types. META-INF/LICENSE META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/NOTICE META-INF/maven/com.ning/compress-lzf/ META-INF/maven/com.ning/compress-lzf/pom.xml com.ning.compress.BufferRecycler.class com.ning.compress.CompressionFormatException.class co...
lzf_compress ( string $data ) : string lzf_compress() compresses the given data string using LZF encoding. 参数 data The string to compress. 返回值 Returns the compressed data or FALSE if an error occurred. 参见 lzf_decompress() - LZF decompression User...
类名称:LZFOutputStream 方法名:checkNotClosed LZFOutputStream.checkNotClosed介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: com.ning/compress-lzf @Override publicvoidwrite(finalintsingleByte)throwsIOException { checkNotClosed(); if(_position>=_outputBuffer.length){ ...
类名称:LZFOutputStream 方法名:write LZFOutputStream.write介绍 [英]Compress and write the current block to the OutputStream [中]压缩当前块并将其写入OutputStream 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: ning/compress publicvoidwrite(finalFileChannelin)throwsIOException{ ...