The pic compressor doesn't ask its users to make any purchase for using its services. You can use this advanced picture compressor without paying a single coin to anyone and get high-quality, un-damaged reduced-size images instantly. User-Friendly Interface The user-friendly interface of the ...
Using ffmpeg I am able to upload a compressed video to firebase storage. However, the video is just a black screen but the audio is successfully there. Here is my code: static compressvideo(File video, BuildContext context) async { final FlutterFFmpeg _flutterFFmpeg = new FlutterFFmpeg(); D...
<picUrl></picUrl> </properties> </developer> <developer> <name>Rob Tompkins</name> <id>chtompki</id> <email>chtompki at</email> </developer> <developer> <name>Peter Alfred Lee</name> <id>peterlee...
Can you limit a Slider to only allow integer values? (Hopefully snapping to the next integer) Can't install NuGet package: System.Data.SqlClient Cannot access a disposed object exception when trying to send a JSON string made from byte[] pic Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: ...
0 : 1; } static AVFrame *get_video_frame(OutputStream *ost,IntputDev* input,int *got_pic) { int ret, got_picture; AVCodecContext *c = ost->enc; AVFrame * ret_frame=NULL; if(av_compare_ts(ost->next_pts, c->time_base,STREAM_DURATION, (AVRational){1,1})>=0) return NULL; ...