To create ZIP archives in Node.js while following along in this section, you need a Node.js development environment set up on your computer. You will create a simple Node.js script to compress a file and folder to ZIP format. Create a new Node project on your computer by running the ...
在Node.js中,如果你想要使用compressing库或者类似的库(如archiver)来压缩一个目录,但又不希望包含根目录本身,你需要在调用压缩函数时正确地设置参数。以下是一个使用compressing库来压缩目录但不包含根目录的示例步骤和代码: 步骤 安装compressing库(如果你还没有安装的话): bash npm install compressing 编写Node....
snappy(aka. node-snappy) - snappyjs - lz4 - gzip(NodeJS native) brotli(NodeJS native) Real text #1 (length 558152) Original length(buffer): 565447, Original length(text...
Simple and straight forward class to compress and makes files from string in JS ts js compress zip file text no dependecies dothedadapublished 1.1.1 • 8 days agopublished 1.1.1 8 days ago M Q P @carlos-lopezochoa/quill-image-compress A Quill rich text editor Module which compresses ...
node-compress-base64 A library for compressing base64 in node environment. install npm i node-compress-base64 or yarn add node-compress-base64 or pnpm add node-compress-base64 usage import{compress,decompress}from'node-compress-base64'conststr:string='node-compress-base64'compress(str).then(...
The current encodings are, in order of preference: br, gzip, deflate. Setting options[encoding] = {} will pass those options to the encoding function. Setting options[encoding] = false will disable that encoding.options.brBrotli compression is supported in node v11.7.0+, which includes it ...
Once you have those two things set up, open your favorite text editor and add the code below to your Node.js file. We'll give you the full code and explain everything afterward. Full code: Node.js Copy constimagemin=require("imagemin");constimageminWebp=require("imagemin-webp");(async(...
** 一,Quick Start ** 1,全局安装compresspng npm i compresspng -g 2,打开shell窗口,输入cpng 命令 cpng //查看帮助 cpng path <源目录路径> [目标路径] 二,说明 建议全局安装,安装之后可以随时通过shell压缩图片,并拷贝非图片文件。 当目录路径是相对路径时,相对于当前命令窗口。
首先,我们使用require('zlib')将 Node.js 中的 Zlib 模块导入,并使用require('fs')工具导入 Node.js 的文件系统模块。 接着,我们调用fs.readFileSync()方法读取一个文本文件,并将其存储到一个 Buffer 变量中。 然后,我们调用zlib.brotliCompress()方法来压缩这个 Buffer 数据。在此例子中,我们使用了params、qu...
Sample JavaScript code for using Apryse SDK to reduce PDF file size by removing redundant information and compressing data streams using the latest in image compression technology. Learn more about ourJavaScript PDF Library. Get Started Samples ...