Comprehensive versus collision coverage The main difference between comprehensive vs. collision is what each covers. Comprehensive coverage covers most damages that aren’t caused by an accident. Collision coverage, on the other hand, only covers damage from an accident. Collision coverage is also more...
The 150 kW superconducting versus the copper magnet in the MPDT under vacuum environment. The superconducting MPDT predominantly consists of an anode, cathode, superconducting coil, cold screen, axial support, outer dewar, propellant supply, and water cooling (among others). Full size image The ...
Aged cultures offered higher cell densities that enhanced flocculation kinetics by increasing cell collision rates. Therefore, lower flocculant dosages were required to achieve similar efficiencies for the two cultures [34]. Similarly, Labeeuw et al. [40] reported significant decreases in optimal ...
26, demanding extended MS measurement time for comprehensive coverage. To evaluate human proteome coverage and sensitivity achieved with nDIA (2-Th), we measured increasing amounts of HEK293 digests (from 100 ng to 2,000 ng) with 60-min ...
Mass analyses were completed on LTQ-FT-ion cyclotron resonance and LTQ-Orbitrap hybrid instruments using collisionally activated dissociation (CAD) and front end electron transfer dissociation (FETD). We identified 102 unique tryptic peptides, which together accounted for 93% coverage of the tensin1 ...
Various observables were measured in elastic nucleon–deuteron scattering and in the break-up of the deuteron via its collision with a nucleon. An extensive discussion of the present status of our understand- ing of the dynamics of the three-nucleon system, based on modern calculations and many...
The 12 most intense multiply charged ions (z ≥ 2) were sequentially isolated and fragmented in the Axial Higher Energy Collision-induced Dissociation (HCD) cell using normalized HCD collision energy at 25% with an AGC target of 1e5 and a maximum injection time of 100 ms at 17,500 ...
The MS2 parameters were: resolution 17,500, AGC target 105, maximum IT 100 ms, isolation window (Δm/z) 1.8, fixed first mass m/z = 110, normalized collision energy (NCE) 27, number of MS/MS (loop count) 10. The data-dependent settings were a minimum AGC target of 2⋅103, ...
Using Orbitrap (350–1550 m/z, 120,000 resolution), a single full-scan mass spectrum was performed followed by 3-s data-dependent MS/MS scans at 35% normalized collision energy (higher energy C-trap dissociation, HCD). 2.4. Protein Identification Using MS/MS Data Mass spectra raw data ...
S𝑏𝑐Sbc represents the collision–freezing nucleation process between cloud droplets and artificial ice nuclei due to the Brownian motion. In this process, cloud droplets collide with the AgI particles, leading to the freezing of the droplets and the subsequent formation of ice crystals. S𝑖...