Finally, a 5-protein panel (C9, CFI, CFH, RELT, GDF15) showed the highest and reproducible AUC values in 3 different LC-MS platforms (Supplementary Fig. 13). On average, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) model showed the highest AUC values of 0.88, 0.93, and 0.89 for the ...
h, i Venn diagrams showing the overlaps between the 220 STATIC genes and biomarkers distinguishing either healthy controls (Normal) versus participants infected with influenza (FLU, left panel) or Normal versus participants infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19, right panel). The biomarkers were ...
These proteins provide insight into the metabolic state of NTHI during the early stages of infection. DISCUSSION Rationale for a Multiomics Approach to the Study of Disease The drive to understand disease has become increasingly dependent on multifaceted approaches. Identification of proteins and ...
The output of DES ShortStack analysis (upper panel) and RNA secondary structure visualization of potential new miRNA generated by forna tool (lower panel). Red color marks miRNA; yellow color marks miRNA star. Additional file 10. Chromosomal mapping of 98 DEGs identified in this study. Lower ...
RNA-Seq (mRNA expression) data for breast cancer (red color) and normal (blue color) tissues for the METABRIC cohort. Normal tissue samples (n = 148) and tissue samples from primary breast tumors (n = 1826) were used for the analysis. Data were analyzed by un-paired t-test ...
Before staining, 0.5 μL of Fc Block was added and incubated at room temperature for 10 min to reduce non-specific antibody staining. Isolated cells were directly stained with the cocktail of antibodies corresponding to the valve panel (Tables S1 and S2) or the functional assay panel (Table ...
This study describes a comparative in vitro study of the toxicity behavior of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles and micro-sized particles. The study aimed to understand the impact of particle size on ZnO toxicity by characterizing the particles in different
Turnip is a root-type vegetable of theBrassica Rapaspecies that often grows in mild climate areas. Despite being underground, the root displays a white and purple color. Turnips are edible tubers related to napa cabbage and bok choy, but they’re often confused with potatoes. These root vege...
The left panel presents histone proteins, with each histone labeled as a different color, and the right panel depicts acetylation sites for each histone protein, which are the same color as in the left panel. The color key indicates the relative abundance of proteins or the acetylation site (...