How is the CMP different from the basic metabolic panel (BMP)? Both the CMP and the BMP are blood tests, but, as the names indicate, the CMP involves more measurements. The CMP includes 14 components, and the BMP typically has eight. The following table illustrates the parts of the typic...
et al. RhizoMAP: a comprehensive, nondestructive, and sensitive platform for metabolic imaging of the rhizosphere. Plant Methods 20, 117 (2024). Download citation Received11 June 2024 Accepted28 July 2024 Published02 August 2024 DOI
The term “rare disease” (RD) was first used in the 1980s in the United States in the field of hereditary metabolic diseases [1]. This term is closely related to the term “orphan drugs” and both were developed simultaneously to address the challenges of diseases with very low prevalence...
6D). This finding indicates that the mass spectrometrically detectable presence of urease subunits is indeed correlated with urease activity and regulated by metabolic status. These findings have implications for determining urea turnover in hypersaline environments. Regarding the biosynthesis of type IV ...
BlacklistRemoved.bed -c configure_user.txt $ scATAC-pro -s call_cell -i output/raw_matrix/PEAK_CALLER/matrix.mtx (or matrix.rds) -c configure_user.txt $ scATAC-pro -s get_bam4Cells -i output/mapping_result/pbmc10k.positionsort.bam, output/filtered_matrix/PEAK_CALLER/CELL_CALLER/...
h, i Venn diagrams showing the overlaps between the 220 STATIC genes and biomarkers distinguishing either healthy controls (Normal) versus participants infected with influenza (FLU, left panel) or Normal versus participants infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19, right panel). The biomarkers were ...
such as mRNA metabolic process and chromatin organization. This is concordant with our results showing that our top EnTDef has nearly twice the sensitivity as the nearest TSS approach using the BENGI benchmark. However, in spite of its shortfall, linking genomic regions outside known enhancers to...
In particular, we aimed to gain insight into how PHA production is linked to the metabolic architecture of a P.putida cell. While there have been functional studies on individual PHA-related proteins, few protein interaction screens have been attempted for this species. Here, we carried out a ...
Metabolic alterations have long been associated with cancer, prominently including the Warburg effect, shifting energy production toward aerobic glycolysis and generation of lactic acid1. The objective of our research is to develop and apply tissue metabolomics for discovering metabolite biomarkers that ...
Metabolic alterations have long been associated with cancer, prominently including the Warburg effect, shifting energy production toward aerobic glycolysis and generation of lactic acid1. The objective of our research is to develop and apply tissue metabolomics for discovering metabolite biomarkers that ...