Issues of valency and meaning, pp 106–132 Halliday MK, Hasan R (1976) Cohesion in English. Longman, London, p 41 Google Scholar Hammami S, Belguith L, Ben Hamadou A (2009) Arabic anaphora resolution: corpora annotation with coreferential links. Int Arab J Inf Technol 6(5) Han C, ...
Although the lack of an observable associated phenotype has often hampered the identification of human polymorphic pseudogenes and prevented us from understanding their biological meaning, previous studies have begun to explore polymorphic pseudogenes, thereby generating valuable information on the topic. In ...
To measure how similar two sentences are in terms of their meaning, an advanced NLP, specifically focusing on sentence embeddings generated by a model called BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) [51] and a similarity measure called cosine similarity has been used. BERT is ...