The Reality of the comprehensive quality standards for physics laboratories in preparatory and secondary schools in Mosuldoi:10.33899/BERJ.2021.168495Hussein Zenalabeden ShekhaboshMosul UniversityCollege Of Basic Education Research Journal
Small & hard branch:Considering the low contrast and unbalanced class distributions for S&H OARs across the entire CT volume, direct S&H OAR segmentation is challenging. Here, we further decoupled this branch into a detection followed by segmentation process. Because the H&N region has relatively ...
Gabriel and Yarba, Julia", title = "{The GENIE Neutrino Monte Carlo Generator: Physics and User Manual}", year = "2015", eprint = "1510.05494", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "hep-ph", reportNumber = "FERMILAB-FN-1004-CD", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1510.05494;...
population density, GDP, etc. In addition to the above-mentioned CODCLAB_Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3, we also provide the CODCLAB of sub-basins for five large lakes and basic geographic information data in vector
The struts are isolated and connected only by cables from each other, making the system a class 1 tensegrity structure. To easily actuate the structure, one side of the vertical cables is replaced by a clustered cable, and the others remain as classical cables. The clustered cable contains ...
The framework, through iteratively adjust itself, can potentially reveal the importance of some manual features, the correlation between features, and explain the contribution of different features in a single sample. The obtained embedded features or distributed vectors can help to understand the ...
Primary liver cancer (PLC) is one of the most common malignant gastrointestinal tumors worldwide. Limited by the shortage of liver transplantation donors and the heterogeneity of tumors, patients with liver cancer lack effective treatment options, which
DSLR Macro Photography: a Comprehensive Overview: Note: View In Steps I suggest you do view this instructable in steps, not using the ALL STEPS functionality.This instructable is long and has a lot of pictures (over 100, if memory serves right). It might
(ClassyFire) that uses only chemical structures and structural features to automatically assign all known chemical compounds to a taxonomy consisting of >4800 different categories. This new chemical taxonomy consists of up to 11 different levels (Kingdom, SuperClass, Class, SubClass, etc.) with ...
Overall, it should be clear that while many attempts have been made to create chemical taxonomies or ontologies, many are proprietary or “closed source”, most require manual analysis or annotation, most are limited in scope and many do not provide meaningful names, definitions or descriptors. ...