Schizophrenia in older adults: Towards a comprehensive model of assessment and treatmentBartels, S JMueser, K TMiles, K M
The Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History was developed for research studies of schizophrenia spectrum conditions and affective spectrum conditions. It is designed to provide a comprehensive information base concerning current and past signs and symptoms, premorbid functioning, cognitive functioning...
with schizophrenia may also present with age-associated Given this level of complexity, patients with schizophrenia cognitive and functional impairment and may be affected need a comprehensive assessment before a treatment plan is by multiple diseases requiring treatment with numerous proposed and ...
Furthermore, intestinal microbiota significantly influences the oral bioavailability and half-life of antipsychotic medication, the first-line treatment for schizophrenia. This reduced bioavailability may explain, at least in part, the poor treatment effect in 30–40% of patients [157]. As a resul...
Our data advocate the utilization of VO2peak assessment for CVD risk profile determination in patients with schizophrenia. Daily physical activity was poorly and inconsistently related to VO2peak, suggesting increased daily physical activity might not translate into improved VO2peak and CVD risk ...
Here we sought to address this deficiency by uncovering the isoform diversity of genes encoding CNS cell-surface molecules. We focused on this gene set for two reasons. First, some of the most striking examples of functionally significant isoform diversity are found among genes of this class. The...
The paper explains the meaning and attribute of supplier assessment and selection, establishes the index system of evaluating and selecting suppliers, puts forward a mathematic model of evaluating and selecting suppliers based on attribute theory and gives out the simulated evaluating interface.关键词: ...
forGNAS. The area of circles is proportional to the number of significantly associated genes in each disorder. DA dopaminergic gene set, SERT serotonergic gene set, ADHD Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder, BIP Bipolar Disorder, MD Major Depression, SCZ Schizophrenia...
Access to expert assessment among the 65 individuals with 22q11.2 DS Full size image Fig. 2 Access to supportive therapies among the 65 individuals with 22q11.2 DS Full size image Between the 12 recommended assessments evaluated together and available in the Survey, the average number of accesses...
Thus, an empirical assessment of 432 sex difference claims from 77 different gene-disease association studies found that the vast majority of such claims were “spurious” or inadequately documented (Patsopoulos et al., 2007), concluding that selective reporting has led to an excess of positive s...