Click to filter by grade level. Teachers Pay Teachers Yes, you can use Teachers Pay Teachers to find free reading passages! You may just like a set that tried, and choose to purchase the whole unit! This if for K-12 educators. This is my favorite resource to use. It has fiction and ...
These free printablereading comprehension bookmarksinclude a place for your child to write down key facts on the book they are reading (both fiction and non fiction). Thesecomprehension bookmarksare a super simplified book report bookmark perfect for kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade...
This app is part of a grade-by-grade series of Reading Comprehension apps. For any struggling learner, find the app that allows your child to work at 70-80% accuracy. Children need success to keep their brain in 'learning mode'. Ignore the grade-level and find the one that best suits...
Reading comprehension exercises — online, free, & adaptive. Fits K-12, ESL and adult students. Easily track progress for the entire class.
Start for free! 3 4 5 RL.3.7 VIEW DETAILS Arrange Sentences In Order What's the Correct Order? - Part 2 Game In this fun game, kids learn to sequence sentences logically to form coherent stories. By arranging events in the correct order, they enhance their reading skills and ...
Reading Comprehension - first, second grade non-fiction for iOS By Emmy Chen Paid User Rating Download nowFull Specifications GENERAL Release November 11, 2014 Latest update November 11, 2014 Version 2.02 OPERATING SYSTEMS Platform iOS Operating System iOS 12.1.2 Additional Requirements Compatible ...
These free reading comprehension worksheets are a great way to make the reading lesson more engaging and check students' understanding of the story. Scavenger Hunt: For 2nd grade reading comprehension and 3rd grade reading comprehension, a scavenger hunt activity can be both educational and fun. ...
Effectiveness of Project Read on word attack skills and comprehension for third and fourth grade students with learning disabilities These concepts include decoding and comprehension. Project Read is a program that utilizes the phonetic approach with integration of whole authentic literature... Laub 被引...
Williams, RitaHickman, GregLeggett, CarmenRicketts, DianeBryant, MistyGwaltney, KesiaJournal of At-Risk Issues
Retelling still applies in 3rd grade. Have students retell a story using pictures they’ve painted on stones to create a path from start to finish. Buy it:Set of Paintable Rocks 17. Create a game show Questions are a key reading skill for students to master. Create a Jeopardy-style game...