Comprehension was assessed as the accuracy in answering multiple-choice questions for content memory. We found that subtitles facilitated comprehension whereas video did not. In addition, comprehension of audio lessons with video depended on participants' cognitive abilities and eye movement pattern: a ...
We also predict that lower-proficiency L2ers are more * Mari Miyao and Bonnie D. Schwartz, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. For questions, contact Mari Miyao at Our thanks go to: Amy Schafer for help with data analysis; the Language Acquisition Reading Group at the ...
The comprehension of language is one of the most difficult constellations of skills for children and adults with autism to acquire and to use. Yet our knowledge of what we can do about these difficulties is at an extraordinarily rudimentary level. Part of the problem is that the meaning of th...
Scanthetitle,thepicturesandthepassage,andanswerthequestions. 1.Readthetitleandpredictwhatthepassageismainlyabout. Answersmayvary. 2.WhenoperainthewestmeetsChineseopera,whatwillhappen? Answersmayvary. Activity1Fast-readingformainideas 1.Whattypeoftextisthispassage? A.Narration(记叙文). B.Argumentation(议...
A review/retest intervention may have a significant effect, but assessing comprehension raises complex questions about setting thresholds for understanding and consequences of not meet- ing them. Genet Med advance online publication 13 October 2016 Key Words: biobanking; comprehension; informed consent; ...
questions.Icouldbemyself. Whenyou’retryingtolearnasecondlanguageinaclassroom,you’resurroundedbyother peoplewhoalsodon’tspeakthelanguage.Sowhateverstageoflanguagelearningyou’renow at,trytopushyourselftofindacoupleofnon-classopportunitiestoimproveyourskills.Ifyou’re inauniversitytown,thereareprobablylanguagelea...
Which spatial prepositions are the first to be comprehended by 15, 18 and 24-montholds and how are they understood? To address these questions, early comprehension of prepositions was assessed using parental questionnaires and the preferential looking task. Children were shown stimuli depicting objects...
Fur- thermore, the use of natural speech material (e.g., listening to a story vs an experimental paradigm with multiple sentences/questions) adds to the ecological validity of observed effects and is less taxing on the attention of participating subjects than experiments involving artificially ...
3.Whatshouldyoudotoapplyfortheopportunity? A.Filloutanapplicationform. B.Answerquestionsviaaninterview. C.Clarifyyourprogram(s)ofinterestbyphone. D.ContacttheorganizersonMarch31. 答案A 解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Toapply,fillinaParksandRecreation2023Summer TeenVolunteerApplication.”可知,如果你想要申...
3.Mothersbirthdayisaroundthecorner.Whatsurprisewillyouprepareforher? 4.DaisytaughtmeEnglishandinturnItaughtherChinese. 5.Ifyouwanttogetintouchwiththesurfingassociation,youcansendane-mail. 1.LookatthechartonP32andanswerthequestions. (1)Whatkeyinformationisshowninthechart? ThenumberofmarathonparticipantsinChin...