Elements and Compounds ? Elements – All particles are alike – The smallest particle of an element that is still recognizable is called an atom – They can’t be broken down anymore without completely destroying it (nuclear explosion) – They are found on the periodic table ? Currently there...
ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS AND MIXTURES TEST Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Boiling point, melting point, and density are some of an element’s A) nonreactive properties. B) physical properties. C) chemical properties. D) pure propertie...
Elements,compoundsandmixtures WHATISANELEMENT?Anelementis…•materialmadeofjustonetypeofatom •Asubstancethatcannotbeseparatedorbrokendownintosimplersubstancesbychemicalmeans Whatarethe3mostabundantelementsthatmakeuptheearth?•Oxygen•Iron•silicon answer Compositionoftheearth Whatare3mostcommonelementsthat...
元素(Elements) 指自然界中一百多种基本的金属和非金属物质,它们只由一种原子组成,其原子中的每一核子具有同样数量的质子,用一般的化学方法不能使之分解,并且能构成一切物质。 化合物(pounds) 是指从化学反应之中所产生,由两种或两种以上元素构成的纯净物(区别于单质)。 例如:氯化钠(sodium ...
Atoms, Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Structure of the Atom Atoms are the smallest particles into which matter can be divided and still maintain its characteristics. Atoms are the building blocks of the universe. There are 92 different kinds of atoms that occur naturally. These building blocks...
Elements, Compounds, and MixturesKellermanElizabeth R|BardenCindy
Mixtures, Elements and Compounds Learning Targets: I will be able to: distinguish between elements, mixtures, and compounds. describe ways to separate mixtures into their original components. Mixtures, Elements, Compounds Scientists like to classify things. One way that scientists classify matter is by...
Compounds & mixtures Elements,Molecules,Compounds&Mixtures ELEMENT •Consistsofonlyonekindofatom•Cannotbebrokendownintoasimplertypeofmatterbyphysicalorchemicalmeans•Canexistaseitheratoms(Argon)ORmolecules(Nitrogen)ELEMENTS PROPERTYMeltingPointBoilingPointMETALSUsuallyhighUsuallyhighNON-METALSLowLow Density Lustr...