MS帮助and化合物 系统标签: mixturescompoundselementsatkinson化合物混合物 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. Chapter 16 Classification of Substances • Elements • Molecules • Compounds • Mixtures. Elements • Elements are substances made up of only one type of atom. • Example Hydrogen, Gold...
mixturescompoundselements混合物化合物mixture Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Elements • An element is a pure substance (only 1 type of particle) that cannot be separated into simpler substances by physical or chemical means. • http://.privatehand/flash/elements.html Element Compounds • A com...
Elements,compoundsandmixtures WHATISANELEMENT?Anelementis…•materialmadeofjustonetypeofatom •Asubstancethatcannotbeseparatedorbrokendownintosimplersubstancesbychemicalmeans Whatarethe3mostabundantelementsthatmakeuptheearth?•Oxygen•Iron•silicon answer Compositionoftheearth Whatare3mostcommonelementsthat...
Dr. Birdley Teaches Science: Elements, Compounds, And MixturesKatz, Nevin
Compound A compound has properties different than the elements that make it up. The parts of a compound are present in specific ratio’s. Compounds and Mixtures Most of the matter around you is in the form of compounds or mixtures. Water, carbon dioxide, salt, vinegar, baking soda, lye, ...
1、Elements and Compounds(元素與化合物)Relative (相對) abundance (豐度) of different elementsDifferences between compound (化合物) and mixture (混合物)Some definitions (定義)nElement (元素) e.g. hydrogen, oxygen A pure substance containing one kind of atoms only.nCompound (化合物) e.g. ...
Mixtures, Elements and Compounds Learning Targets: I will be able to: distinguish between elements, mixtures, and compounds. describe ways to separate mixtures into their original components. Mixtures, Elements, Compounds Scientists like to classify things. One way that scientists classify matter is by...
Compounds & mixtures Elements,Molecules,Compounds&Mixtures ELEMENT •Consistsofonlyonekindofatom•Cannotbebrokendownintoasimplertypeofmatterbyphysicalorchemicalmeans•Canexistaseitheratoms(Argon)ORmolecules(Nitrogen)ELEMENTS PROPERTYMeltingPointBoilingPointMETALSUsuallyhighUsuallyhighNON-METALSLowLow Density Lustr...
CompoundnamesandformulaeWordequationsMixturesSummaryactivities 12ofof2036 ©BoardworksLtd20052004 Propertiesofelementsandcompounds Whyisitsafetoputsodiumchlorideonfishandchips……butnotsafetousesodiumandchlorine?13ofof2036 ©BoardworksLtd20052004 Atomsinelementsandcompounds Elementsarematerialsmadeupofonetypeofatom...