Elements,Molecules,Compounds&Mixtures ELEMENT •Consistsofonlyonekindofatom•Cannotbebrokendownintoasimplertypeofmatterbyphysicalorchemicalmeans•Canexistaseitheratoms(Argon)ORmolecules(Nitrogen)ELEMENTS PROPERTYMeltingPointBoilingPointMETALSUsuallyhighUsuallyhighNON-METALSLowLow Density LustreElectricalconductivity ...
Elements, compounds and mixtures元素,化合物和混合物 Elements,compoundsandmixtures WHATISANELEMENT?Anelementis…•materialmadeofjustonetypeofatom •Asubstancethatcannotbeseparatedorbrokendownintosimplersubstancesbychemicalmeans Whatarethe3mostabundantelementsthatmakeuptheearth?•Oxygen•Iron•silicon answer...
“homo” indicates the same • Homogeneous mixtures have the same appearance and properties throughout the mixture • The prefix “hetero” indicates difference • Heterogeneous mixtures consist of visibly different substances Types of Mixtures • There are THREE types of mixtures: –Solutions –...
Mixtures GOAL • To tell the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures and to give examples of each Matter • Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. • Matter is made up of many different things: Substance
Science ActivitiesScience InstructionDescribes a model demonstrating the difference between mixtures and chemical compounds in which two different colors of clay are used to represent two different elements. Makes connections to real world situations. (YDS)doi:10.1080/00368120209601080...
9、NeutralAction of limewater(石灰水)Turns limewater milkyLimewater remains colourlessStructural (結構上的) difference between mixture and compoundmixture of carbonand oxygencompound ofcarbon dioxideDifferences between compound and mixture CompoundsMixture of elementsComposition(成份成份)constant compositione....
Chapter 1 Objectives Distinguish between elements and compounds. Section 3 How Is Matter Classified? Objectives Distinguish between elements and compounds. Distinguish between pure substances and mixtures. Classify mixtures as homogenous or heterogeneous. Explain the difference between mixtures and compounds. ...
According to (A.A. Tatarnikov and L.V. Burtelov, 2002) processing rubber mixtures in spite of their belonging to pseudoplastic mediums differs markedly from polymer melt processing. This difference lies in that the length of threaded part of the worm may be divided into three zones: pressur...
Elements, compounds and mixtures WHAT IS AN ELEMENT? An element is… • material made of just one type of atom • A substance that can not be separated or broken down into simpler substances by chemical means What are the 3 most abundant elements that make up the earth? answer • Ox...
物元素与andQuestwebquest 系统标签: mixturescompoundselementswebquest混合物化合物 ELEMENTS,COMPOUNDSandMIXTURESWEBQUEST Part1:ELEMENTS,COMPOUNDSandMIXTURES http://.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/atoms/elements.html Whatarethevisualdifferencesbetweenelements,compoundsandmixtures?Fillinthechartbelowusing bulletpoints. ELEME...