Tuschhoff, Christian (1999): "The compounding effect: the impact of federalism on the concept of representation", West European Politics, vol. vol. 22:2, pp. 16-33.Tuschhoff, Christian. 1999. "The Compounding Effect: The Impact of Federalism on the Concept of Representation." West European...
Effect of compounding process on the structure and electrochemical properties of ordered mesoporous carbon/polyaniline composites as electrodes for supercapacitors[J]. Journal of Power Sources,2009,187(1):268-274.Effect of compounding process on the structure and electrochemical properties of ordered ...
Practitioners' options may also be broadened to more often prescribe drugs whose manufactured forms may be discontinued or unavailable. In some cases it could in effect ease drug shortages—whose causes include production delays, forecasting uncertainties, inventory planning issues, or manufacturing problem...
The initial work into preferred formulations for NR/NBR blends produced a series of cure systems suitable for use in blends of NR with NBR containing either 41% or 34% acrylonitrile (Chapter 5). The blends may be further improved by the use of low levels of compatibilizers, either polych...
These findings concur with assumptions based on the camera system design, as small rotations close to the optical principal point of the camera around any axis will lead to severe changes in the viewing angle, which can visually be described as inside-out rotation leverage effect. One main ...
The effect of mixing on the content uniformity was studied by evaluating two mixing protocols: inverting the bottle manually 10–15 times or inverting it three times. The concentration of nifedipine, the uniformity of mass and the sedimentation volume were determined. Results The content uniformity...