List of compound words Part of speechOpen compoundsHyphenated compoundsClosed compounds Noun artificial intelligence, attorney general, common sense, French fries, high school, house party, living room, roller coaster, search engine, test drive, theme park, walking stick check-in, go-ahead, kick-of...
合成词compound_words 热度: AWL(academic_word_list)学术词汇表--雅思,托福 热度: 【英语考试 GRE】ACADEMIC WORD LIST 共(44页) 热度: CompoundWordList#1 lifetimeelsewhereupsidegrandmother cannotbaseballfireworkspassport togetherbecomebecamesunflower
合成词总结 Compound Word List 60words Compound Word List #1 lifetime elsewhere upside grandmother cannot baseball fireworks passport together become became sunflower crosswalk basketball sweetmeat superstructure moonlight football railroad rattlesnake anybody weatherman throwback skateboard meantime earthquake every...
CompoundWordList#1 lifetime elsewhere upside grandmother cannot baseball fireworks passport together become became sunflower crosswalk basketball sweetmeat superstructure moonlight football railroad rattlesnake anybody weatherman throwback skateboard meantime earthquake everything herein sometimes also backward schoolhous... provides compound word practice lists, printables, and interactive games and activities that give students the opportunity to use their knowledge of indvidual words to predict the meaning of compound words. Try Read-A-Word with the 2nd Grade Compound Words practice list....
Compound Words单词表 92020-10 3 Alice in Wonderland 92020-10 4 In the Garden 132020-10 5 Word List 4 32020-10 6 《 Up Pop the mushroom》 162020-10 7 Up Pops a Mushroom 142020-10 8 科学英语 wordlist 122020-10 9 小王子 3/4 92020-10 10 鼹鼠的月亮河 p20-p31 82020-10 查看更多 ...
compound words 英语合成词学习 60 0 2022-08-24 19:00:02 未经作者授权,禁止转载 投币 1 AI视频总结 测试版 记笔记 英语学习可以很有趣,一起来体验吧! 小周末 - Delight 学习帮帮团 知识 校园学习 学英语 学习 教育 趣味英语 英语单词 英语单词记忆 ...
Compound Words(Chinese)演讲题目:“复合型”。 haqnawaz QQ(2517411050) 对于中国人民来说 复合词 定义: 组成复合词:一种化合物是一种由两个或多个基本字词。 复合词,在大多数情况下,名词、形容词和动词。 有许多不同类型的复合词在英文。 一些重要复合词使用(名词+动词) 名词和动词列表 例如: 名词 动词 ...
Compound nouns are formed when two or more words are combined to create a single noun. Here is a list of 350 compound nouns.
Here is a list of compound words that are all mixed up. They no longer make any sense but maybe you can take them up apart and correctly match them so that the words make sense again. handboard bookfall anyroom classground playbox ...