Using acompound word gamesis a fun, simple way to work on learning compound words while playing a fun learning game. Use this free printablecompund words games part of a literacy, or compound word activity or for extra work for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th gra...
My kids have always seemed to like learning about compound words. It seems to present a fun challenge for them: take two words that are relatively easy to spell, and put them together into a big word – that’sstilleasy to spell! They also enjoy the idea of matching words together – ...
These words are a little random for a lesson. Can you give me some context for these in terms of when they give you trouble? maybe I can help here. Adam Hi Adam, do you have a speaking class on Skype ? wiwi Hi Metta, I’m sorry, I don’t teach at the moment. Adam Hello...