Semicolons Em-dashes Colons 1. Conjunctions The most common way to create compound sentences is to useconjunctions, preceded by a comma. Conjunctions are words that tie clauses together. There are multiple types of conjunctions. Some can be used to create compound sentences, and some can’t. ...
When creating compound sentences, there are two punctuation rules to keep in mind: 1Place a comma before the coordinating conjunction. 2If you’re not using a coordinating conjunction, place a semicolon between the clauses. As always, you use a lowercase letter to start the second independent...
Real-Life Examples of Compound Sentences Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, andI'm not sure about the former. (Physicist Albert Einstein) There used to be a real me, butI had it surgically removed. (Actor Peter Sellers) ...
(CompoundSentence) Ifyoudon'twanttouseasemicolon,youcouldalsouseacommaandoneoftheFANBOYStoconnectyouroriginaltwosentences. Ifyouuse"however,"moreover,"oranothertransitionalphrasetoconnectyourideas,youneedtouseasemicoloninfrontofitandacommaafterit.Example:Thecourseishard.Theteacherisprettyfunny.ORThecourseis...
Example of Compound Sentences with Semicolons and ConjunctiveAdverbs She exclusively uses bright colors when painting; she detests pastels completely. She must work two jobs to support herself; at least, that was her excuse for being unable to join us. ...
semicolon ; semicolon + conjunctive adverb + comma ; moreover, ; however, ; indeed, ; therefore, ; at least, The table shows all seven coordinating conjunctions, and a few conjunctive adverbs as examples.Do not try to join independent clauses with a comma alone—that's impossible! John...
Semicolons in Compound Sentences: SMART Board Resource for Capitalization and Punctuation (Grades 9-12) (eLesson Plan)
You can also join compound sentences with a semicolon instead of a coordinating conjunction and a comma. For example, we can write the same sentence above like this: There are some ruins near my house; I go there sometimes when I need to think. ...
Examples and definition of a Compound-Complex Sentence. Compound-complex sentences are the most complicated sentences, like the name implies. A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.
Punctuating Compound-Complex Sentences "If a compound or acompound-complex sentencehas one or morecommasin the firstclause, you may want to use asemicolonbefore thecoordinating conjunctionbetween the two clauses. Its purpose is to show the reader very clearly the division between the two independen...