Compound sentences are easy to identify because they usually use a coordinating conjunction, which you may remember as FANBOYS:for,and,nor,but,or,yet, andso. However, compound sentences can also use a semicolon to connect two clauses, in which case no conjunction is necessary. Let’s look ...
There are seven coordinating conjunctions, and you can remember them using the acronym FANBOYS. F –for A –and N –nor B –but O –or Y –yet S –so Simple enough, right? You’ll use the FANBOYS to connect two or more independent clauses in compound-complex sentences. Here’s an...
Compound Sentence Examples in Quotes Compound sentences are often used in both speech and writing. Here are some instances of compound statements used by renowned people: In this present crisis, the government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem-Ronald Reagan. ...
A compound sentence is like two or more simple sentences added together.In fact, as we saw in sentence structure, a compound sentence is two (or more) independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon. A compound sentence does not contain any dependent clauses....
It is easy to remember the coordinating conjunctions by the...compounfFANBOYSForAndButOrYetSo Conjunctions 3 FOR shows that the second clause is the reason of the first idea.That man is willing to sacrifice everything, for he has nothing left to lose.AND joins two similar ideas together.Jo...
Did you know there are only four sentence types in English? To improve your writing and reading skills in English, Ill teach you all about simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences in this grammar video. Youll learn how to identify the in
(CompoundSentence) Ifyoudon'twanttouseasemicolon,youcouldalsouseacommaandoneoftheFANBOYStoconnectyouroriginaltwosentences. Ifyouuse"however,"moreover,"oranothertransitionalphrasetoconnectyourideas,youneedtouseasemicoloninfrontofitandacommaafterit.Example:Thecourseishard.Theteacherisprettyfunny.ORThecourseis...
Examples: I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English. Or: Shannon played football, for Maria went shopping. Compound sentences always use the words: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. The beginning letter of each of these words spell: "Fanboy!" To remember easily....
Compound sentences are easy to identify because they usually use a coordinating conjunction, which you may remember as FANBOYS:for,and,nor,but,or,yet, andso. However, compound sentences can also use a semicolon to connect two clauses, in which case no conjunction is necessary. ...