A compound sentence, as you already know, has at least two independent clauses. Example: There’s an oak tree behind my house, and I go there sometimes when I’m lonely. You can also havea compound-complex sentence, which has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent ...
What Is a Compound Sentence? home▸sitemap▸A-Z grammar terms ▸compound sentence A compound sentence is a sentence with at least two independent clauses. For example: I have a dog, and she has a cat. (In this compound sentence, there are two independent clauses, which are ...
and the second one’s subject isname. That’s part of what makes them independent, and a sentence is considered compound only when it consists of independent clauses. For example, the sentence below isnota compound sentence:
Example 2 Usually I take a walk every day while the sun sets, but it was raining today. As before, the independent clauses are green and the dependent clause is orange. If we take out “while the sun sets” we can see that it isn’t a complete sentence. But it does give us some...
not a compound sentence. A sentence with three or more independent clauses (and no dependent clauses) is still a compound sentence,but once you begin adding in dependent clauses, it becomes a compound-complex sentence,which we discuss later on. Here is what a compound sentence example looks...
Occasionally, we use a semicolon to separate distinct clauses (;). One example is: Come back tomorrow; I will see if the parcel has arrived. Give an example of a compound sentence with a semicolon and adjunctive adverb. She exclusively uses bright colors when painting; she detests pastels...
You can also join compound sentences with a semicolon instead of a coordinating conjunction and a comma. For example, we can write the same sentence above like this: There are some ruins near my house; I go there sometimes when I need to think. ...
This table presents the compound adjectives along with example sentences to illustrate their use. Compound Adjective Example Sentence Well-known She is a well-known author. Part-time He works as a part-time teacher. High-speed The train has a high-speed connection. Free-flowing The river is ...
What is a compound sentence? Learn how to write and identify the compound sentence structure with the following explanations and compound sentence...
Building on an example we used earlier, here’s one sentence that does just that: The sauna was steamy and dimly lit. You can also use multiple compound adjectives to describe a noun. When you do this, separate the compound adjectives—and any single adjectives you use—with commas. Take...