knock 排气行程 exhaust stroke 示功图 indicating diagram 汽缸体 cylinder block 汽缸盖 cylinder head 油底壳 oil sump 活塞 piston 连杆 connecting rod 曲轴 crankshaft 飞轮 flywheel 进气门 intake valve 排气门 exhaust valve 挺柱 tappet 推杆 push rod 摇臂 rocker 凸轮轴 camshaft 正时齿轮 timing gear 燃油...
transmission efficiency of the system,and through the analysis on the characteristic relationship between power elements,with the help of geometry theory to determine the characteristic parameters of planetary gear train,and provides the reference for the configuration design of the dual-mode hybrid ...
Schematic diagram of oscillatory roller transmission Full size image Based on Figure 2(a), the conjugate tooth profile of the inner gear is obtained by the envelope principle as shown in Figure 2(b). Where the eccentricity of the disk cam is e = L1, the radius of the disk cam is Rj,...
oticcharacteristicswereanalyzedbyusingbifurcationdiagram,timehistorycurve,phasetrajectory, Poncaresectionandpowerspectrumsynthetically.Thestudyshowsthatthecouplingofgearback— lashesandtime—varyingmeshingstiffnessmakethecompoundplanetarygeartrainsetshavevarious innernonlineardynamicbehaviors.Increasingthemeshingratioofdamping...
In Ref. [32], energy-control strategies are provided that are based on the hierarchically structured central controller block diagram of a hydraulic/electric synergy system (HESS). The controller collects the important data from the vehicle's driving/braking torque through signal acquisition. While ...
the intermediate gear train to the turbine meter's register box thereby permitting the intermediate gear train to be disposed in a fluid tight casing. Similar face polarized magnetic coupling means may be used for connecting the rotating element of the low flow metering means with its register ...
First,themotionofthelink(orplanetgear)2canbedeterminedbyRRRAssurgroup.Afterthemotionsoftheplanetcarrier1andtheplanetgear2aredeterminedcompletely,themotionofthesungear5canbedeterminedinthedifferentialgeartrainwithtwoDOF.Z2B12C ω 1 3AD4 Z5 Asaresult,thestructuralblockdiagramofthemechanismisthatshowninFig.9...
2. Hydrodynamic-mechanical multi-speed compound transmission according to claim 1, characterized by a design where the first element of the first planetary gear train (7) consists essentially of the sun gear (7.1) of the first planetary gear train (7) and the first element of the second plane...
of components associated with the present-, and the next gear to be engaged are effected with the aid of a three-dimensional characteristic diagram in the form of a geometric body, showing optimum operational regions in relation to state magnitude(s) or rating magnitudes in the drive train. Du...
The schematic diagram for this process is depicted in Figure 10 and is specifically divided into six steps as follows. Figure 10. Flowchart of the proposed fault diagnosis method based on edge-IoT. Step 1: The fault signals are sampled from the mechanical equipment by the sensors. Step 2:...