Probability of Mutually Exclusive Events Found by adding the probability of the first event to the probability of the second event P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) Example 1: In a popular dice game, the highest possible score in a single turn is a roll of five of a kind. After rolling ...
3 NatureofthecompoundPoissonproces {X(t),t≥0}isacompoundPoissonprocess,then(1){X(t),t≥0}areindependentgrowthprocess;(2)X(t)isthecharacteristicfunction gX(t)(u)e t[gY(u)1]gY(u)isthecharacteristicfunctionoftherandomvariableY1,λisthearrivalrateofevents.E[Y12]<∞,then(3)If ...