即基础类型, 或者叫内置(builtin)类型, 是程序以及复合类型的创建基础。 Compound types 即复合类型, 也叫*Composite type*s. 复合类型可以由基础类型和复合类型所构成。 Statements statement的直译是声明,但在这里按照代码的逻辑单元来理解,一个statement是逻辑单元的开始或结束。在书籍中,通常描述为xxx语句,比如if...
Note that statements always end in aNEWLINEpossibly followed by aDEDENT. Also note that optional continuation clauses always begin with a keyword that cannot start a statement, thus there are no ambiguities (the 'dangling:keyword:`else`' problem is solved in Python by requiring nested:keyword:...
We implemented a hybrid MCMC approach to draw samples from the joint posterior of the parameters because it is not possible to collect the conditional posteriors of the parameters in any basic structures. To implement the Gibbs algorithm, the full conditional posteriors of α , λ , θ , and ...