Compound-sentence-和 complex-sentence的区别及英语写作中常见的错误 和 的区别 并列句( ) 并列句有两个或两个以上的主谓结构。这些主谓结构之间的关系是并列的、对等的。从 语法上讲,所谓并列、对等是指任何一个主谓结构都能独立地表达意思,谁也不从 属于谁。尽管如此,这些主谓结构在意思或逻辑上有一定程度的...
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences(简单、并列句和复合句).pdf,Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Read the following sentence and decide if they are simple, compound or complex 1. The boy at his lunch. 2. The unhappy boy with no shoes ate his tin
Compound-complex Sentence definition: A sentence consisting of at least two coordinate independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Learn about compound-complex sentences. Study compound sentence examples and complex sentence examples. Compare them to discover what a...
Learn about compound-complex sentences. Study compound sentence examples and complex sentence examples. Compare them to discover what a...
Compoundsentence和complexsentence的区别及英语写作中常见的错误(总8页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-CompanyOne1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除.2Compoundsentence和complexsentence的区别 并列句(CompoundSentence)并列句有两个或两个以上的主谓结构。这些主谓结构之间的关系是并列的、对等的。从语法上讲,所谓"并列...
别合句 Complex Sentence 别别别别 别别别别别别别别别别别别别别别别 别别别别别 别 别别 别别 别别别别别 别别 别别别 别别别别 别 别别 别别 别别别别别别 别别 别别别 别别别表示因果 系 : or , so , therefore , hence 了 你最好 把 。别别 表示并列 系别别 别别 别昨 她来...