Unfortunately, a mishap like that would most likely not be discovered until after the shot was taken. Even with all the not so reliable compound bow sights on the market, many are very reliable as well. I personally have never participated in any competition shoots but have been an avid and...
ignoring the bow, then look at the relationship of the shoulders of the limb tip closest to you, ‘superimpose’ this image onto the front of the same limb and they should be
Compound Bow Sights, Which One Fits Your Needs?Shannon Fiddler
ATA show in Indiana. The gentleman with Cameron explained to me the problem the spotters are having aiming with a peep sight. I told him to have Cameron shoot a left-hand bow right-handed, this would put his sights and target in clear view for the spotter.He asked, "Will that work?
5 Pins Compound Bow Sight Long Range 0.019" Optical Fiber Retinal Sight CNC Machining Archery Sights $45.00 - $59.90 Min. order: 2 pieces 1 Pins Bow Sight Light Adjustable Accessories for Both Left and Right Hand Shooters Compound Bow Sight $55.00 - $68.00 Min. order: 2 pieces LWANO Arche...