3.5 3.2.1 Compound angle formula (proof)24:33 3.6 3.2.2 Compound angle formula(application)26:22 3.7 3.3.1 Double angel formulae39:14 3.8 3.3.2 Double angel formulae14:49 3.9 3.4 Expressing asinθ+bcosθ in the form R sin(θ±a) or Rcos(θ±a)37:21 Chapter 4 Differentiation 4....
CompoundAngleFormulae Prooffor: BABABAsinsincoscos)cos( 2008ShapesandSizes A (cosB;sinB) (cosA;sinA) 1 P Q Proofuses 1.CosineRule 2.DistanceFormula (A-B) B 1 1 1 y x 2008ShapesandSizes Proof Bythecosinerule: PQ 2 =1 2
TheRecursion formulaeof the node corner displacement are derived in the text and that internal of the beam can be solved. 推出了求解无结点侧移连续梁的结点转角位移的递推公式,进而求得梁板的内力。 2. The recursion formulae of the node angle displacement are derived in the text and that interna...