and, or, but Compound Sentences WorksheetAbout this Worksheet: This compound sentences worksheet directs the student to create a compound sentence by combining simple sentences with the connecting words and, or, but. The word and shows addition, or shows an alternative, and but is used to join...
See the fact file below for more information on compound sentences, or alternatively, you can download our 26-page Compound Sentences worksheet pack to utilize within the classroom or home environment. Key Facts & Information Examples of Compound Sentences ...
Go through this worksheet and take the quiz to see what you know about compound sentences. You will be quizzed on the different parts of these sentences. Quiz & Worksheet Goals Using these tools, you can check your understanding of:
Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences Simple, Compound, Complex Tell which sentences are simple, which are compound, and which are complex. 1st through 3rd Grades Writing Complex Sentences Writing Complex Sentences Turn the simple sentences into complex sentences using the subordinating conjunction prov...
Hands-on cutting, sorting, and gluing activity. 1st through 3rd Grades Compound Word Worksheet Choose the two parts that go together to complete each word. Give a definition of the newly created word. 1st through 3rd Grades Compound Word Practice This printable has 3 parts. Part 1: Circle ...
other types of words Worksheet: Compound words Other interesting articles Frequently asked questions about compound words Open compound wordsOpen compound words are written with spaces between the individual words. For example, “compound word” itself is an open compound word....
COMPOUND SENTENCES If you combine that with longer simple sentences, sentences can become very long! John and I talked to my boss and my friend, and they were very excited and pleased about your idea, but Jamie and Joseph don’t want to talk or think about the money. ...
compoundcomplexsimpleclausesentencefanboys AdaptedbyS.VictorLastUpdated:10/5/10Name:___Date:___Period:___Allsentencesarelabeledinoneofthefollowingfourways:simple,compound,complex,andcompound-complex.***NOTE:Asentenceconsistsoffourparts:beginningcapitalletter,subject,verb,endingpunctuation.Whetheraclauseisident...