Simple sentences consist of just one independent clause expressing a complete thought. They are the most basic sentence structure, often short and direct. Compound sentences, on the other hand, contain two or more independent clauses, typically joinedRead more ...
If you've studied sentence structure at all, you've read terms likecompound sentences andsimple sentences. Today, we'll look at the difference between these two. Let's get you in the right frame of mind with a tiny quiz. Are the following sentences simple or compound? A.Lewis and Alice...
Sentence Structure, Simple and Compound Sentences an independent clause which includes a subject and a predicate 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Simple Sentence 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 37 Natasha_Mcmorris老師 Quizlet上的頂尖創作者 分享 教科書解答 學生們也學習了...
' Always try to use complex sentences in your writing: it will be more interesting than just using simple and compound sentences. It would be a good idea to do theClauses and Phrasesand theComplex Sentencesquizzes before you do this 11-plus English quiz. Enjoy yourself!
This English Language quiz is called 'Complete Simple and Compound Sentences' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 1st...
FANBOYS coordinating conjunctions for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Semicolons can be used to join independent clauses to make a compound sentence Run-on sentence two or more sentences incorrectly joined together NEVER Join two sentences with ONLY a comma Simple Sentence one independent clause關...
Pop Quiz Now that we’ve reviewed what a compound sentence is, identify which of the following sentences are compound and which are not. 1. I will add up the total, and then I will tell you how much you owe. 2. Francesca lit the torch and walked with it through the shadowy house....
Go through this worksheet and take the quiz to see what you know about compound sentences. You will be quizzed on the different parts of these sentences. Quiz & Worksheet Goals Using these tools, you can check your understanding of:
Thispagecontainsdefinitionsofsimple,compound,andcomplexsentenceswithmanysimpleexamples.ThepurposeoftheseexamplesistohelptheESL/EFLlearnertoidentifysentencebasicsincludingidentificationofsentencesintheshortquizzesthatfollow.Afterthat,itwillbepossibletoanalyzemorecomplexsentencesvarieties. SIMPLESENTENCE Asimplesentence,...
Quiz: Compound Inequalities –3b– 2 < –2b+ 5 and 8b– 7 < 3b+ 3 {b| 7 <b< –2} {b| –7 <b< 2} {b| –2 <b< 7} 1/5 Next PreviousCompound Inequalities NextAbsolute Value Inequalities