The invention relates to a compound amino acid injection (18AA-I) composition. Each 1000ml of the compound amino acid injection composition contains 2.8-3.5g of isoleucine, 3.5-4.0g of serine, 1.7-2.5g of glycine, 6.0-6.5g of lactamine, 1-1.5g of methionine, 1-1.5g of tryptophan, 6.5...
通用名: 复方氨基酸注射液 (18aa-i) 曾用名: ? 英文名: compound amino acid injection (l8aa-i) 拼音名: fufang anjisuan zhusheye (18aa-i)? 药品类别: 营养治疗药 适应症: 氨基酸类药 用于改善手术前后病人的营养状况及各种原因所致低蛋白血症患者。 性状: 本品为复方制剂,是由18种氨基酸与钾、钠、钙...
Compound Amino Acid Injection (18AA) 18AA: For patients with insufficient protein intake, absorption disorders and other amino acids that cannot meet the metabolic needs of the body.
1)compound amino acid injection复方氨基酸注射液 1.Study on the preparation of Compound Amino Acid Injection;复方氨基酸注射液生产工艺研究 2.Content Determination of Sodium Pyrosulfite in Compound Amino Acid Injection(18AA-Ⅰ) by the Colorimetric Method;比色法测定复方氨基酸注射液(18AA-Ⅰ)中焦亚硫酸钠...
0502医用营养品; 0503净化剂; 0506医用棉; 基本信息 商标名称COMPOUND AMINO ACID INJECTION 18AA-V SULFITE FREE 申请号23960978国际分类5类-医药商标分类表 商标状态商标无效申请日期2017-05-04 申请人湖北一半天制药有限公司查看此申请人的商标分析报告
【英文名】CompoundAminoAcid(18AA) 【别名】18氨基酸;18种复合氨基酸;18种结晶氨基酸;复方氨基酸(18); 乐凡命;绿安;妙取素;侨光18;维力宝;CompoundAminoAcid(18); CompoundAminoAcid(18);Novamin;Nutrisol-SVaminN 【剂型】注射液:(1)5%:250ml;(2)12%:250ml。
compound amino acid 18aa | 注射液:250m1:12.5g(总氨基酸)小儿复方氨基酸注射液(18aa-Ⅰ):20ml:1.348g(总氨基酸)小儿复方氨基酸注射液(18aa-Ⅱ):50ml:3.0g(总氨基酸) | 2012年版 复方利血平 | compound reserpine | 口服常释剂型 | 2009年版 复方氢氧化铝 | compound aluminium hydroxide | 片剂 | 2018年版...
The invention relates to a compound amino acid injection (18AA-IV) composition. Each 1000ml of the compound amino acid injection composition contains 4.0-4.5g of leucine, 1.5-2.0g of isoleucine, 4.0-4.5g of lysine acetate, 1.0-1.5g of methionine, 1.8-2.2g of histidine, 0.10-0.15g of ...
Compound Amino Acid Injection (18AA-V-SF)250ml 18AA-V-SF: used for malnutrition, hypoproteinemia and before and after surgery.