To whom it may concern, My name is Helga and I volunteer for an environmental education center in a township in South Africa. We aim to educate the … Problem with my worm farm! All worms died!Not rated yet Good day, I recently replaced the old bedding in my bin with store-bought c...
Compost thermometers have a 20” (51 cm) stainless steel probe that allows you to read the temperature at the center of the pile. When the core temperature climbs over 155° (68° C), oxygen will be depleted within a few hours, so it’s time to turn the pile....
That way the center can get really hot. But then you need a lot of material to fill something that big. The questions and commentary on this topic can go on forever. Therefore, just make a pile. Costs nothing. Takes no time. Later, when you have a powerful need, the solution will ...
Commission of the European Communities (2008) Green paper on the management of bio-waste in the European Union. Accessed July 2012 Cooper BJ (2004) Stability (Biodegradability) Horizontal-7 WP4. Energy research center of the...
Such an area can be a local waste transfer station, or a community recycling center, or even a community garden with sufficient space. It can also be any vacant lot that meets the required guidelines and conditions. This allows the placement of the composting system with “minimal objections”...
From the figure, the average temperature was observed to steadily increase from day 1 to day 16, with the highest temperatures observed from the center of the pile. The regions of the pile near the exterior were cooler than the interior as heat dissipated into the surrounding environment. For...
It should be noted that most of its machinery was imported from overseas at very high prices, and although the factory has not operated to its full capacity, the damaging effects of Vietnam's climate cause many machines to break down easily, while the cost of replacement and repair requires...