and rubbish into an organic rich substance that can improve not only the soil, but provide nutrients for your plants. But is also great if you garden is used forsustainable food production. But good quality compost can also be produced without expensive composting bins or tumblers in open ...
There should be some covering on the top of the bin to minimize excess rainwater and reduce scattering from the wind. You don't have to do it yourself, however. There are many kinds of compost bins you can buy, including tumblers that allow you to turn the compost with a handle. There...
Compost piles and tumblers use an “aerobic composting process”. This means that oxygen is required to facilitate decomposition. Watering and turning the pile will help keep it at the moisture and oxygen levels that the beneficial microbes require to do their transformative work. There are alternat...
Most compost bins or tumblers are built to have the compost contained and then stirred by either turning it over with a pitch fork or by turning the bin itself. Compost piles, similarly, are usually contained in some kind of enclosure, though they can be just heaped into a pile. These ar...
There are plenty of different containers, bins and even tumblers available to choose from. It’s a good idea to select a small countertop container that sits in your kitchen for easy access. Then, you can choose a larger container to empty your countertop bin into; that larger container is...
In the curing phase, compost piles have an advantage over compost bins: a larger base in contact with the ground. This allows the forest floor ecosystem—insects, microarthropod “shredders”, red compost worms, and beneficial fungi—to enter the pile and go to work during the curing stage....
Looking similar to a small concrete mixer, tumblers are compact, easy to operate, pest resistant, and produce high-grade compost in less time than traditional bins. Simple compost tumbler greatly eases the job of composting. Lifetime The downside to using tumblers is that they can’t handle ...
Luckily,a lot of things can be easily upcycled into incredible composters. You don’t need to go out and buy a fancy pre-fab kit. I thought over the many options and ultimately decided to go with something quite simple: two black garbage bins with lids. One is a size smaller and will...
Getting Started: Compost Bins For traditional aeration composting, you'll want to purchase orbuild your own compost bins. Place the bins in a location that doesn't collect water after a heavy rain. Alternatively, you can purchase specialcomposting tumblersthat look tidy in an urban yard or star...
The dirt on composters: if you dig composting and want a tidy setup, try hiding your heap inside one of these bins or tumblers endorsed by our readersVicki Mattern