I leave a silver bowl sitting on my countertop and fill it with food scraps as I go. I like to dump it in on the top where that first layer of leaves is and mix it around so the brown matter can touch everything new going in. – Oz Kupoglu, atDown To Earth Composting Step Four...
it’s just a stream-of-consciousness dump of things that I, personally, enjoyed. Feel free to add your own list in the comments! The RadioLab podcast, which never fails to teach me something new and fascinating. Cudas Amigo Flipflops. You do realize that I am a world-class authority on...
My compost piles are near my garden beds and adjacent to a small patch of lawn. They get moisture during the dry season whenever I put the sprinkler on the grass. When I’m watering potted plants, I turn the hose on the compost piles if they look dry. Covering I never do it, not ...
There was no answer about compusting bear poop. I live in bear country and one climbed a fence a took a dump in my back yard. Should I add it to the compost bin or not? I’m not sure what bears eat except berries and the pears in my back yard. Reply Stevesays: December 6, 20...
Banana peelsNitrogenShredding or chopping it up will help it break down quicker Beverages, kitchen rinse water Neutral Help keep the pile moist, but don’t over do it. Buckwheat straw or hullsCarbonShredding or chopping it up will help it break down quicker ...
compostable waste inside as well (that way you’re not constantly digging through the trash for eggshells or coffee grounds). We wrote aboutthis airtight containerwe bought to wrangle our food scraps under the sink. It’s tight seal keeps it from smelling between trips to dump it into our ...
so hard to make it so easy for the end user to just flush a ‘gross’ [my words because I think flush toilets are gross, so ha!] toilet but those processes have impacts that effect us all. Removing the water from this one system can cut my own personal water use...
As far as harvesting your nutrient rich worm poop/compost– I’d say give it at least a couple months – then you can dump the bin out onto a tarp and harvest your good soil. It’s very concentrated stuff, so a little bit goes a long way – mix with water to make worm poop tea...
In case the dump truck with the trashman comes by.Oh me - Oh my! I hope he doesn't hold his nose and drive by.Oh, the pile towers eight tall - I cannot see the top at all.But anyone can see it draws flies.I'm leaving all the compost by the corner of our street,Until the ...
so you'll see a few of those hanging out. I asked a worm professional about them once and he told me that they are "helpers of the worms". They process some of the food and getting the microbial action going that is the actual food for the worms. So I'm happy to have them aroun...