Principle ofSalmonella ShigellaAgar The inclusion ofBile Salts,Sodium CitrateandBrilliant Greenserve to inhibit gram-positive, coliform organisms and inhibit swarmingProteusspp., while allowingSalmonellaspp. to grow.Beef Extract, Enzymatic Digest of Casein, andEnzymatic Digest of Animal Tiss...
A microbiological examination was conducted on raw eggplant to verify the presence of Salmonella enterica on XLD agar. On day 0, no coliforms were detected and the total bacterial count (TBC) was 1.98 log CFU/g. The TBC of the first day and the seventh day of storage were used to evaluat...
2.3. Antimicrobial Activity of EOs by Agar Spot Test against Pathogen Indicator Strains EOs extracted from the hybridOriganum vulgare ssp. viridulum×Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtumshowed a relevant antimicrobial activity assayed by an agar spot test, with halos of various sizes (Table 3). In particula...
PCA agar, PDA agar, VRBG, and Baird-Parker (all BTL media, Łódż, Poland). In the procedure for the identification of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms,EnterobacteriaceaeandStaphylococcus aureus, incubation of the samples was carried out at 30 °C for 48 h [36,37,38,39]. In the psychr...