Nordic Journal of International LawJ. Sihvo. Pandora’s Box: Reviewing the Composition of the UN Security Council in the Light of British and French Experience 1945–1963[J]. Nordic Journal of International Law . 1997 (2-3)Pandora’s Box: Reviewing the Composition of the UN Security ...
Feasibility of Reforming the UN Security Council: Too Much Talk, Too Little Action, The While a broad consensus exists over the necessity of reforming the Security Council, the disagreement among the different groups of member States prevails ... S Lee - 《Journal of East Asia & International ...
It is clear that thecompositionof the Security Council no longer accurately reflects global geopolitical realities. 显然,安全理事会的组成情况已经不能够正确反映全球的地缘政治现实。 UN-2 Melomics applies an evolutionary approach to musiccomposition, i.e., music pieces are obtained by simulated evolution...
IftheCouncil’scompositionwasoutdated and a poor reflection of geopolitical realities in 1993, that is obviously even more the case today. 如果说安理会的成员组成已过时落伍,难以反映 1993 年的地缘政治现实,那么显而易见的是,今天的 ... Regardingthe composition of theBoard,members oftheBills Committee consider that since the functions of the Board aim to protect small [...] 有關存保委員會的組合方面,由於存保委員會的職能包括保障小存戶, 法案委員會認為應委任具備保障消費者經驗的人...
Additionally, the Court provides advisory opinions to other UN organs and agencies. How many countries are in the World Court? All 193 members of the United Nations are parties to the World Court. Importantly, this does not grant jurisdiction to the court....
UN-2 Like many other States, Israel had advocated substantive reforms in the Council’s working methods, mandate, functions and composition. 与许多其他国家一样,以色列倡导对理事会的工作方法、任务、职能和组成进行实质性改革。 UN-2 The functions, structures, composition and financing of that pre...
Linked climate and crop simulation models are widely used to assess the impact of climate change on agriculture. However, it is unclear how ensemble configurations (model composition and size) influence crop yield projections and uncertainty. Here, we in
that, while the Board of Auditors had advocated for the disclosure of after-service health insurance liabilities by the United [...] 咨询 委员会获悉,虽然审计委员会主张联 合 国 披露 离职 后 健康 保险负债,但 审计委员会并未就这些负债的供资选择办法采取任何立场,除了下列...
We all know that the Security Council in its currentcompositionhasfailed tobeademocratic,transparent means for achieving international peace and security. 家身份组成的,这种构成方式一直是不成功的。我们 都知道,安全理事会以其目前的构成,未能成为实现 国际和平与安全...