Geochemical constraints on the composition of Archaean lower continental crust: Partial melting in the Lewisian granulites Lewisian granulites experienced fluid-absent melting; felsic melts were removed. This event was 200Ma after crust formation. Trace element depletion in t... H Rollinson - 《Eart...
Wedepohl Geochemisches Institut, D-37077 Goettingen, Germany The general acceptance of the definition of the continental crust as the continental part of the outer shell of the planet above the Mohorovi~i6 discontinuity dates back to the fifties of this century (A. Poldervaart: Crust of the ...
3.01Composition of the Continental CrustR. L. RudnickUniversity ofMaryland, College Park, MD, USAandS. GaoChinaUniversity ofGeosciences, Wuhan, People’sRepublicofChinaand Northwest University, Xi’an, People’s Republic ofChina3.01.1INTRODUCTION3.01.1.1What is the Continental Crust? ...
This chapter discusses the composition of the continental crust. The gneisses of the upper crust are generally coarse-grained metamorphic rocks, rich in feldspar, with streaks of mica or hornblende. Many of them are metamorphosed sediments; others contain major contributions of volcanics. Within ...
Gao China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China and Northwest University, Xi’an, People’s Republic of China 3.01.1 INTRODUCTION What is the Continental Crust? The Importance of Determining Crust Composition 3.01.2 THE UPPER CONTINENTAL CRUST ...
Composition of the Continental Crust Geological, geophysical and geochemical evidence for lower crustal delamination in the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt is presented and a chemical geodynamic model for lower crustal delamination is developed. The synthetic results suggest th... R Rudnick,G Shan 被引量...
ourplanet.Thelow-lyingoceaniccrustisthin (,7kmonaverage),composedofrelativelydense rocktypessuchasbasaltandisyoung(#200Ma old)(seeChapter3.13).Incontrast,thehigh- standingcontinentalcrustisthick(,40kmonave- rage),iscomposedofhighlydiverselithologies ...
Composition of t讲义he Continental Crust 精品 CompositionoftheContinentalCrust THANKS
The eastern China middle crust composition is more evolved and shows slightly slower compressional velocity than that of global middle crust. While there is a general consensus that the global lower continental crust is mafic in composition, eastern China is a remarkable exception to this generality ...