Broadly speaking, the study yields the following observations: (1) The average age of appointment to the Supreme Court of India has increased, while the average age of appointment to the High Courts has decreased between 1985-2010, and consequently, Supreme Court judges on average have greater ...
in the last couple of years, major legal battles have been fought for complete ban on the traditional firecrackers which have intensely polluted the environment based on multiple sessions in higher courts, in 2019, the supreme court allowed csir to manufacture green crackers in bulk and ensure ...
management ownership and blockholder ownership are important elements of the overall corporate governance system. The empirical evidence on the effectiveness of these elements is, however, mixed at best. Moreover, the results and conclusions of prior theoretical and empirical research are typically country...
GST compliance rating check is one of the key concepts brought by the government to bring the transparency in the taxation system of India. As introduced under section 149 of G Read More 01 Jan 1970Posted By: E-StartupIndia Reverse Charge under GST Under the reverse charge mechanism, the ...
Supreme Court of IndiaIndian JudgesIndian JudiciaryChief Justice of IndiaAge of AppointmentRegional RepresentationThis paper maps the composition of the Supreme Court of India as it has reconstituted itself between July 1985 – May 20106 using its Chief Justices as convenien...
collegiumjudicial diversityappointmentstenureregional diversityMuch of the legal scholarship on the collegium system of appointing judges in India has revolved around its constitutionality. This paper is based on the premisSocial Science Electronic Publishing...