The composition of atmospheric air - Glueckauf - 1951 () Citation Context ...are the total atom fractions in the mixture of oxygen in the Os and COs, respectively. In calculating the latter we have used the volume percentages of Os and COs in the atmosphere given by Glueckauf =-=(43)...
Earth's Atmosphere Composition The atmosphere contains gases that are crucial to living organisms. What are these gases and their percentages?What is the Atmosphere Made Of? Atmosphere Characteristics Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I ...
After rapid conventional gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS), the abundances of the main chemical constituents of the musk samples of mated and unmated Chinese forest musk deer males were determined (Fig. 1, Table 1 and Table S2). Percentages of muscone in unmated males are ...
Branching of distance trees was also verified by constructing trees through the same methods using PAUP 4.0b10 software (Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, USA) and generating bootstrap percentages based on 1000 replicates. Final classifications of KFS OTUs into families, according to the Hugenholtz...
Because this extraction process uses a closed chamber, outside air cannot penetrate the vessels. Therefore, the compound recovered and the residues remaining inside experience very less oxidation compared with the traditional solvent extraction method [20]. The objective of our work was therefore to ...
Under the advection of trans-boundary air masses, water-soluble and soot were always present in columnar aerosol, whereas, in variable percentages, sea salt and mineral particles characterized both dust and volcanic conditions. At the ground, sulfates characterized the amorphous matrix produced in ...
The regression coefficients used to derive these percentages are in excellent agreement with the coefficients derived for other locations. In addition, the results support our previous finding that sulfates are the most efficient light-scattering species per unit mass of dry weight....
from 0.1 to 1.0 % by weight of polyepoxide selected from triglycidylurazole, tris-glycidyl-isocyanurate and 1,1,2,2-tetra-(p-glycidyl-oxyphenyl)-ethane, the percentages by weight referring in each case to the sum of components I and II....
Moreover, tryptophan protein-like substances (Region IV; P4, n) were the major fluorescence substances in EPS from each tank while the major substances in EPS from the secondary sedimentation tank in M-WWTP were fulvic acid-like materials (Region III, P3, n), and the percentages of ...
All the statistical analyses were implemented in R v.3.0.1. We firstly tested for correlation of sediment variables using the Kendall rank correlation coefficient62with theggpubrpackage63. Percentages of the three main categories of size particles were removed from the variables because of correlation...