ResearchGate 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Composition, decomposition and model checking of pushdown processes In this paper, we consider a strict generalization of context-free processes, the pushdown processes, which are particularly interesting for three reasons:... O Burkart,B Steff...
Kiev: Math. Inst. Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Ukraine 2000.Gonska, H.: On the composition and decomposition of positive linear operators. In: Kovtunets, V.V., et al. (eds.) Approximation Theory and its Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference Dedicated to the Memory of ...
(redirected fromFunction composition) Encyclopedia Wikipedia compos′ite func′tion n.Math. a function obtained from two given functions, where the range of one function is contained in the domain of the second function, by assigning to an element in the domain of the first function that element...
is a composite function with f(x) taking an action on g(x). The question becomeswhat function is f(x) and what function is g(x)? Function Composition: Basic Function Types Function decomposition is, in a very basic sense, splitting a complicated function into basic pieces. Those “basic ...
We study various structures of general Volterra-type integral and weighted composition operators acting between two Fock-type spaces $$\mathcal {F}_{\varph
only if φ(s)=c0s+ψ(s), where c0 is a nonnegative integer and ψ a Dirichlet series with the following mapping properties: ψ maps the right half-plane into the half-plane Res>1/2 if c0=0 and is either identically zero or maps the right half-plane into itself if c0 is positive...
设 GG 是复平面 [Math Processing Error] 中的区域, [Math Processing Error] 表示[Math Processing Error] 上解析函数的全体, [Math Processing Error] 表示[Math Processing Error] 上解析自映射的全体. 设 φ∈ S(G), 则由符号 φ 诱导的复合算子 Cφ 定义为 (Cφf)(z)=f(φ(z)),f∈H(G),z...
We used the sklearn.decomposition.PCA() function from the scikit-learn python package101 (v1.1.3). The two first principal components were used to represent the taxonomic and phylogenetic ordination results in a 2-dimensional representation of the environmental space. Occupancy range size We ...
This can be partly explained by the milder environmental conditions in this treatment (moisture, temperature and accumulation of nutrients due to the decomposition of dead leaves) and by the seed trap effect of the litter that prevents the movement of seeds62,63. In addition, the high diversity...
The ability to compose new skills from a preacquired behavior repertoire is a hallmark of biological intelligence. Although artificial agents extract reusable skills from past experience and recombine them in a hierarchical manner, whether the brain simi