Analytical Cellular Pathology期刊是SCI几区的 Analytical Cellular PathologySCI期刊分区分为中科院分区和JCR分区,以下是Analytical Cellular Pathology期刊涉及到的学科分区详情。 无机化学方向的SCI期刊推荐! 最近不少作者让推荐一些无机化学方向的SCI期刊,其实是有很多的,但大家在选择时一定要根据自身实际情况来筛选,最 ...
Schematic of the fabrication procedure and structure for PVP&PVC-x:y membrane View Download Figure 2 Microstructure of PVP&PVC-1:1 composite membrane (a)平面SEM形貌;(b)截面SEM形貌;(c)TEM形貌 2.2 吸水率、酸掺杂量和溶胀 图3为PVP&PVC-x:y膜在45 ℃下的吸水率和SA掺杂量(3 mol/L SA)随浸...
Keywords:compostestructure;optmumdesgn;fnteeiement method;regondvdng;muit-ieveioptmzaton 1引言 在复合材料结构优化方面已提出了很多优化设计 方法,如:等强优化设计 [1] ,基于遗传算法的铺层顺序 优化 [2] ,多级优化 [3] 等。大型复合材料结构的优化设 计,由于设计变量、约束条件多,约束函数复杂,优化过 ...
The HA has reviewed its top management structure and concluded that there is an urgent need to strengthen its human resource management function, particularly in view of the recommendations of the SARS Expert Committee Report and the Report of the HA ReviewPanelthatvarious aspects of human resources...
observationshoWsthatthea itiono CFtoL PE oesnotin luencetheaggregatestructureo the polymer.Thechangeo theresistivityWithincreasingtemperatureis etermine bytWo olloWing actors:oneistheeXpansiono thepolymerWhichmakesresistivityrisean lea stoapositive temperaturecoe icient(PTCDe ect;theotheristheagglomerationo ...
SCI服务流程 常见问题 Q&A H-index 影响因子h-indexGold OA文章占比研究类文章占比OA开放访问平均审稿速度 2.839401.20%98.31%未开放较慢,6-12周 自引率趋势图 大类学科同领域优质期刊大类学科小类学科影响因子分区ISSN ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS工程技术材料科学:复合1.393N/A0924-3046 ...
.SupercondSciTech , 2007 , 20 ( 9 ): S159 S166. [ 9 ] ShlykL , KrabbesG , FuchsG , etal.Melt processedYB COdopedwithCaandCd : comparisonofsuperconduct ingproperties [ J ] .PhysicsC , 2002 , 383 ( 1 ): 175 182. [ 10 ] GeorgetaAlecu.Crystalstructuresofsomehigh tem perat...
characteri zed as g raphitization and A 1N whisker has a hexag onal structure .X P S test show s that there is an obvious peak of C —_N bond o f 2 87 . 5 eV , which reveals that A 1N and carbon fo am thro ug h C — N bo nd are combined at their interf ace.M ean...
SHANG J,YAO W Q,ZHU Y F’et a1.Structure an d photocatalytic performan ces of glass/SnO2/TiO2 interf ace composite fi lm 【J].Appl Catal A :Gen,2004,257( 1) :25- 32. TAc Hm ANA HARA K,SAYAMA K,et a1.Quan titati ve analysis of light -harvestin g efi ci ency an...
.JMaterSciLett 1998 17 ( 12 >: 965 - 967. 4 I !GUIC~AR JL TILLEMENTO MOCELLINA.Alu- minachromiumcermetsbyhot-pressingofnanocomposites J I .JEurCeramSoc 1998 18 : 1743 - 1752. 5 I !RO ELJ PRIOELIPP~ CLAUSSENlN etal.Ni3Al / Al2O3 compositeswithinterpenetratingnetworks J I .Srip...