It all depends on the forces you put on those fillings. Your composite fillings will certainly function at a high level much longer than mercury amalgam fillings. What else can composites do? If you have spaces between your front teeth, we can bond composites to the teeth and close those ...
After having your composite bonding London procedure, you can expect long-lasting results for approximately 3-7 years, depending on your lifestyle. Over time, you may notice they become dull, sometimes from staining or general wear. You can choose to simply have the fillings recontoured, polishe...
How dental bonding/white fillings are placed. This page explains the individual steps that a dentist follows when they place a composite restoration (“dental bonding”). The process outlined on this page is used for a wide range of individual procedures. ...
Creating a veneer is the process of sculpting over the surface of your natural teeth, layer by layer, using synthetic resin (the white material applied on fillings). The procedure is utterly pain-free and requires no sedation at all. Depending on the number of teeth you’d like to do, ...
the implementation of sound adhesive dental techniques, as discussed inDear Doctormagazine's previous article “The Natural Beauty of Tooth Colored Fillings.” This article discusses the use of techniques for the successful restoration of front teeth, and the high degree of artistry that can be achie...
Before the cementation procedure, teeth were cleaned with pumice and water spray. Under moisture control (rubber-dam or cotton rolls), the restorations were adapted and cleaned. The adhesive surface area of the Lava Ultimate restorations and all old direct fillings remaining in the abutment teeth ...
retrograde root fillingscomposite resinsdentin-bonding agentendodontic treatmentapicoectomyInvestigations on retrograde root filling using a composite resin, Retroplast, bonded to the root surface with the dentin-bonding agent Gluma have been described. Here, detailed information is given about the surgical...
Case: A 18-year-old female patient felt uncomfortable and wanted to improve her appearance because the front teeth had old fillings turned yellowish and white spots. Objective examination showed enamel hypoplasia in 12, 11, 21, 22 and secondary caries in 11 and 2...
Since the formation of biofilm on teeth and dental fillings, typically made of composite materials, is a serious threat that can result in the development of caries and various periodontal diseases, we examined the potential of ceragenin CSA-44 to target mature biofilms and its ability to prevent...